Here's the thing. I'm going to talk about something, and I'm going to try and have a really awesome and fresh attitude about it. I want ya'll to play along with it, and just let it roll. Deal? Deal.

John Bytheway gave a talk once to single adults about being single. All throughout his talk he makes some really good points, so I am going to incorporate them here. Today, around every corner, has been the thought of singledom. Which is a wicked little thought, that likes to creep up on me from time to time. Everyone I have talk to today, we have talked about dating and the like. It really has been crazy. Anyways, moving on...

Don't be obsessed with being single.
Straight up. If you are single, you need to stop saying the word single. You need to delete it from your vocabulary, and reword it in a different way. Make it something neat, like you are... INTERESTED. You are not the only one who is looking to find love, there are a bunch of other people. You are never alone when it comes to being "single".

Don't date someone you know you don't want to marry. You can fall in love with someone you shouldn't marry.
It is the truth. If you date someone that you just know, I COULD NEVER SPEND ETERNITY WITH THIS PERSON. Stop right there, and re-evaluate. First off, it is never okay to lead someone on. Secondly, why waste your time trying to make someone something they are not. Not okay. If it so happens that you fall in love with someone who you shouldn't necessarily be with, think about it. I have fallen in love before, and I knew that the person was not right for me, but I couldn't help but fall. It was heart-wrenching and horrible, but when it is over and the heartache heals, you feel a thousand times better.

Be interested in other peoples interests.
This one is hard for me. When I have a "crush" on someone, I tend to ramble, which leads to me talking and not listening. THAT, is never a good thing. Being interested in what other people are interested in, leads to good conversation (two way conversation) and helps us to get to know people for who they really are. Those things lead to dating, and marriage (or so I am told).

The wrong one, is the right one, to lead you to the best one.
Date, date, date, date, date. (Something I need to do more of) Date! I am saying this because it is very important. The only way to find the right person to fit you, is to go through many wrong people. Of course, some find their perfect someone on the first try, but they are the exception to the rule. (Yes, I just pulled that.) The fact of the matter is, 95% of people are not that lucky. Get your heart broken, then go out there again and see who can help fix it and build it bigger, better, and best.

Lastly, and the most important advice I give to myself. Stop trying to be someone's buddy. If you are interested say, "Hey I'm interested in you, would you like to spend some time together?" It doesn't have to cost anything, it doesn't have to be an all day or night thing. Maybe just an afternoon walk, or a late night chat. My problem is, I am the girl guys come to, to talk about girls. I don't mind that, but sometimes... I really want to be the girl that they are talking about.

All in all, these are just tid-bits about what I have learned as a single adult. These things may not be how everyone sees singledom, but this is how I see it. (or try to.) I just had to get that off my chest.



  1. amen to all of that. and i totally agree about finding the wrong guys will help you find the right one. cause when he is the right one, he will stand out and there will be something different about him.

    ps. you are awesome!

  2. oh gosh, that picture is great haha. i really liked this blog. i really liked that you said to stop using the word single. it really makes you feel like more of an outcast than you should using that word. im definitely going to try and use a lot of this in my life.

  3. LOVE this post. It made my day. My friend always tells me, "A guy can add to your life, but he shouldn't make your life." I agree with this statement for the most part. I think once you find the right person, it will sort of make your life in a way. But the way I interpret it is that you can still be happy and confident and successful without a bf/gf. They will only add to what you are. :) Sorry I talk so much, but this post just really got me thinkin'. Thanks for sharing Shelby!


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