Are you there blog? It's me, Shelby
(The title of this post is giong to be my new blog title.)
I wish that I could make all my crafty thoughts come true. I have the cutest ideas, not to brag, and I just can never seem to put them out into the world. I can think of a million cute things, but I personally can never make them happen. When I try to it is an epic fail, I hate those. I really want to be that cool girl who sews her own dresses, makes jewlery, paints pictures, takes really good photos, and can graphic design like no other. I am litterally, the kid that loves baseball but is afraid of the bat.
I finally figured out what my blog identity is. It is me, speaking to my blog like it is a journal or something. I am not a fashion blogger, or a craft blogger, or a food blogger. I don't blog about my every-day life either. I tend to blog when something moves me. I try to write in a way that reflects the woman that I am, because despite my ever-persistant efforts, I am a woman now. I believe that because, I feel that stir in my chest when I say those words. I am a woman. Not in everything, but I'm learning to walk that thin line (womanhood is a thin line, did you know that?)
Interestingly enough, as I was pondering on what to write about on my blog today a guy at my work said something ridiculous. "If you are sexy, you can wear whatever you want." I was shocked, and just looked at him for a second. He must of read my facial expression because the next thing he said was, "Now don't take that to extremes, don't go blogging about it now." I told him I would blog about it, and that I would take it to extremes.
I'm ready for the planning and primping to stop. I just want to party, and be done. I never realized how much work goes into planning a party, even if it is just small. I hope everyone likes it, and that it goes along without a hitch.
In the end, I am over being lazy and dumb. I want to do everything I can to be awesome, and I am going to work really hard to gain that title: Shelby The Awesome Girl Who, Paints, Photographs, Crafts, and Looks Pretty 80% of the time. YEAH!
I wish that I could make all my crafty thoughts come true. I have the cutest ideas, not to brag, and I just can never seem to put them out into the world. I can think of a million cute things, but I personally can never make them happen. When I try to it is an epic fail, I hate those. I really want to be that cool girl who sews her own dresses, makes jewlery, paints pictures, takes really good photos, and can graphic design like no other. I am litterally, the kid that loves baseball but is afraid of the bat.
I finally figured out what my blog identity is. It is me, speaking to my blog like it is a journal or something. I am not a fashion blogger, or a craft blogger, or a food blogger. I don't blog about my every-day life either. I tend to blog when something moves me. I try to write in a way that reflects the woman that I am, because despite my ever-persistant efforts, I am a woman now. I believe that because, I feel that stir in my chest when I say those words. I am a woman. Not in everything, but I'm learning to walk that thin line (womanhood is a thin line, did you know that?)
Interestingly enough, as I was pondering on what to write about on my blog today a guy at my work said something ridiculous. "If you are sexy, you can wear whatever you want." I was shocked, and just looked at him for a second. He must of read my facial expression because the next thing he said was, "Now don't take that to extremes, don't go blogging about it now." I told him I would blog about it, and that I would take it to extremes.
I'm ready for the planning and primping to stop. I just want to party, and be done. I never realized how much work goes into planning a party, even if it is just small. I hope everyone likes it, and that it goes along without a hitch.
In the end, I am over being lazy and dumb. I want to do everything I can to be awesome, and I am going to work really hard to gain that title: Shelby The Awesome Girl Who, Paints, Photographs, Crafts, and Looks Pretty 80% of the time. YEAH!

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