It's Been A While
It's been a while since I have sat myself down and tried to straighten out my feelings about things. I used to do it all the time. I would account for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Just make a mental checklist of all the things I think about and figure out if I am on the right path or not.
Today I read this blog post from a girl who was remenising on times when she wasn't sure who she was. Those times in her past, are my times now. Unlike her, I have no patience to stand and look at myself in the mirror for more than a minute, to see the girl in the glass. I do however have more patience when it comes to checklists.
Faith - I do, have faith. I could be better at getting on my knees and pouring out my soul. I will do better.
Finances - I have done better this pay-period. I make a decent amount of money and am catching over-time this next check, AGAIN.
Fun- Recently I decided that I wasn't doing enough in my life. This week I jumped back into the social network. I tried very hard , and I like to think that I succeeded. I made new friends, and established friendships with aquaintences. My life was very unbalanced, but I feel like it is balancing out now.
Fitness- Oh geez, because of the balancing of the fun, I have done and epic fail on fitness this week. Friday I will run 4 miles, and Saturday I will run 8. I have to. There is no maybe. I also need to start doing Physique 57 again, or I will be running with a chocolate gut.
Family- I love my family. I need to be more helpful and open. I always need to improve on this aspect.
Friends- See Fun.
Appearance - (I was doing so well with all the F's.) I need to take better care of myself. I am starting to look worse and worse each day. Come on Shelby, we can do this.
Boys- OH MY GOODNESS. Could this be more frustrating? I'm glad for one thing. I'm just really truly not interested in putting up the effort for this one. It is so much effort. See Appearance and Faith.
School- I need to catch up on my reading and do all my news stories. I can feel myself falling very far behind already. How does this happen? How??
That's all I've got for now.
Mental Checklist complete.
Summary - I need to try harder but I also need to realize that I am only human and that I am only 20. Seriously, I am freaking young. I need to stop thinking my life will end tomorrow.
I really like that picture of you.