It was sudden... the burn started small and suddenly it spread, from the side of my nose to the tip. I rubbed my face with my fingers trying to get it to stop. It got worse, it spread like wildfire from my nose to my upper lip, down to my chin. What was going on?? I was freaking out, I couldn't figure out what could be burning this bad. Trying to soothe the burn, I licked my thumb and wiped the edge of my nostril. BAD IDEA. The fire spread inside my mouth and in seconds I was teary eyed and had a running nose. This was insane. WHAT WAS GOING ON?!


Just guess.

Oh yeah, that's right. You know that pepper spray I have on my key chain? I was fiddling with it in the car on the way to the CES fireside. It was leaking, all over my hand. Yep. You just put that whole situation together in your head. I FREAKING PEPPER-SPRAYED MYSELF!!! Who does that even? Me. I guess. Man, I felt like an idiot. I went into the bathroom at the chapel and tried to wipe it off with water, but it didn't work. I tried to soothe it with soap, but it just kept burning. We had to leave the fireside because I was crying and laughing, and oh.. my FACE WAS BURNING OFF.

I don't wish pepper spray on my worst enemy. That stuff is dangerous, and seriously painful. I'm so lucky that I didn't wipe my eyes. I am always touching my eyes. Oh geez. That was an event. LET ME TELL YOU. I still am having a hard time believing that I actually just did that.

Just so you know...

I took the pepper spray off my key-chain.

I still know self-defense... so creepers beware!

It's too dangerous for me. (Pepper-spray that is.)

I hope this made you laugh. Because I laughed the whole time, besides when I was crying. HA

9- Today I am happy because, I know that if I ever need a laugh, I just have to look at myself. I am such a freaking goober. hahaha


  1. Oh my gosh that sounds awful, I can't even imagine! Hope you're ok :)


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