Half Marathon News

I don't want to get into the details of my schedule for the next 13 weeks, but let me tell you.. it is packed! PACKED TO THE BRIM! With exercise. Because, I am running a half marathon on April 9th. You can see where I am running right HERE. It's just outside of Pahrump Nevada in Lovell Canyon. Basically, I am super stoked!

Other then that.. life has been FULL of ups and downs lately. It seems like every time I get to an up, there is a serious downfall awaiting me. I hate it. LOATHE it actually.

10- I was happy yesterday because I actually exercised and made something of myself, which was really cool.

11- I am thankful for sweaters and beanies today. It is very cold outside, for my Vegas blood. I'm very thankful that I have lots of warm winter clothes.

I have a few questions for ya'll so if you could answer them in the comments section I'd appreciate it.

What do you think about going shampoo free? Have you heard of it?
What is the best remedy for shin splints, besides stretching?
What kind of vitamins do you take?
Who is cuter Ryan Reynolds or Matthew Maconahay?

Alright thanks!


  1. Definitely Ryan Reynolds. Matt is just too old...although still gorgeous. :)

  2. ok hopefully this will make sense but for shin splints try taping them. for example: take your right leg, and tape about an inch below your knee. wrap the tape from the outside to in(does that make sense?) basically what you want to do is avoid your muscle being pulled away from the bone. so wrap the tape in. then do that same thing a couple inches below that. if it doesnt make sense then call me and ill explain it more. also women should take a good multi vitamin. make sure also after you eat to get some good protein in so your muscles will heal.
    hope that helps woman!

  3. Um if your shin splints are bad they have compression... they're like shin guards but not.. apparently they help. I have heard of going shampoo free... I dont think it would work though... It'd be instant greasy dreads.. Yikes.
    And vitamin C... but I should take Vitamin D. Cause I live in the wintry north and do not know what the sun looks like anymore.
    RYAN Reynolds baby. Yowsa.

  4. If you don't have good support in the arch of your foot, you'll get shin splints.
    Vitamin C.
    Ryan Reynolds is not only cuter, but the most attractive man on the planet.

  5. Shampoo free sounds nasty don't do it. Shin splints- take a Dixie cup fill it half way up with water and freeze it. Once it's frozen take the cup off the ice and rub up and down your shin. Feels like heaven.


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