Defying Gravity
There we stood, hands intertwined.
My forehead layed gently against his chest, his chin pearched upon the top of my head.
I could smell his cologne, whatever it was, it smelt like home.
A fresh clean scent, that lingered on for hours after I was there, and nestled snug in my bed.
A sort of lullaby of scent to fall asleep to.
I wasn't sure I had ever felt love, but when I dreamt of it, this was it.
A perfect, yet mild feeling within me that lingered long after the inital burst of sheer happiness.
I sunk deeper into the crisp, soft, sheets of my bed recalling every glance and touch recieved throughout the night.
None of which left worry, regret or stress in my mind.
I felt free, I had never felt free before.
The kind of free that lifts your heart from your chest and defys gravity.
I was defying gravity.
My forehead layed gently against his chest, his chin pearched upon the top of my head.
I could smell his cologne, whatever it was, it smelt like home.
A fresh clean scent, that lingered on for hours after I was there, and nestled snug in my bed.
A sort of lullaby of scent to fall asleep to.
I wasn't sure I had ever felt love, but when I dreamt of it, this was it.
A perfect, yet mild feeling within me that lingered long after the inital burst of sheer happiness.
I sunk deeper into the crisp, soft, sheets of my bed recalling every glance and touch recieved throughout the night.
None of which left worry, regret or stress in my mind.
I felt free, I had never felt free before.
The kind of free that lifts your heart from your chest and defys gravity.
I was defying gravity.
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