I Wonder

New Header.. I hope ya'll like it! If it's too gloomy, let me know! Okay? Sweet.

This song is by Katie Dellenbach she is a great artist out of Provo. I love the lyrics so I thought you would too. You can find her stuff on www.katiedellenbach.com

I wonder all the time, out of all the cosmo's in the sky.
Why does he care, what I do when I'm in this sphere?
But I guess it's just a mystery, what he's trying to do with me. Was it his design to align two souls in this fabricated time?
I wonder how two lives orbit one another only to divide.
Cause I broke, his heart. And now oh lord, I am torn in two.
But I guess it's just a mystery what he's trying to do with me.
Was it his design to align two souls in this fabricated time?
But I guess, it's not my time to love (know), but the question from here, where do I go?
Cause I sacrificed our paradise, and for what, for what?
I guess it's just a mystery what he's trying to do with me, was it his design to align two souls in this fabricated time?
Was it his design?
Or was the plan all just mine?
Cause I wonder...


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