CoCo Baby

Lately, I have been super sad. Mainly because of my little dog, Cozad. Last week sometime, her "arthritis" got pretty bad. She kept falling over, and not wanting to walk. We decided that we should take her to the doctor and see what was wrong with her. It has been pretty much, all down hill from there.

It turns out, she doesn't have arthritis. She doesn't have a pinched nerve. She has nothing wrong with her brain, or her stomach. Basically she is has nothing wrong with her, but she won't eat or walk. Personally, I think the vet is full of it. There has to be something wrong. HAS TO BE. I mean, she doesn't even beg, or eat treats. That's not my dog. Plus, we told her she wasn't throwing up or anything and she gave her medicine for an upset stomach. SHE DOESN'T HAVE AN UPSET STOMACH.

I don't know. I am just really sad right now. Because, tonight as I was feeding her her pills. She was spazzing out and shaking really bad. I just looked her in the eye and started to cry so hard. I love her so much, and I just want her to be okay. I don't know what I will do if I have to put her down, or watch her die. I'm just praying that she is going to be okay soon. That everything will pass, and she will be fine. I love my little Cozy girl!


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