Did I Stutter?

Oh goodness gracious. No matter what the event is, when we throw a party at the DeLong residence, things get dicey. Tensions rise, people pout, and whine, and of course argue. It get's pretty intense, and I don't think you want to be the weakest link around us at the time. There is no telling what we will make fun of you, or your mom, for. Going shopping is a full day ordeal, and it isn't just one or two stores, it is a billion. Because, honestly, we shop for deals, not for distance. We ended up going to Trader Joe's, Ricardo's, Macayo's, Costco, Smith's, and Von's. All in one day. Who does that even?!

Tomorrow is my sister Jordan's baby shower. She is having a baby boy, in case you didn't know. My Mom and I came up with all of the decorations on our own, and I can't wait to post some pictures of the cute ideas we had. It's cowboy themed, so everything is pretty country. We made about a hundred sugar cookies tonight, and my Mom will be cooking about thirty pounds of meat tomorrow. We are having mexican salads. PRETTY BOMB.

For some reason my Mother and I stayed up way past the time we should have talking about random stuff. Everything from tattoos, and plural marriage, to family gossip and weddings. Basically it was a riot, and we decided that we are getting curtains for the living room. I am super tired, but I had to get a post in before the end of the night, saying that my Family is awesome. Even though I had a headache the entire day from the decision making, the crazy-ness, and my own loud self. I love them to no end.

P.S. - If you are coming to the party tomorrow, don't forget your smiles, because I am going to take some pictures if it kills me.

<3 Peace n' Blessing's, Peace n' Blessing's


  1. Awesome! I'd LOVE to go to a shower where actual food is served (besides those nasty finger sandwiches and stale cheesecake bites. gag me.)
    your family sounds a lot like mine- haha Love it.


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