So. Tonight, I ran out of my house through the bushes in my front yard. I forgot that in between those two bushes is a boulder. Yep. I tripped over that boulder into the grass and screamed bloody murder. Alix was sitting in her car fixing her make-up and I started to scream her name. Finally she heard me, and I looked down at my foot to see that I took a large triangle shaped chunk out of the middle of my big-toe toenail. I think I might eventually have to cut off the rest of the top of my toenail, but I am going to wait until my Mom comes home to look at it. For those of you who are weak at the stomach... sorry, but here is the picture! It hurts really really bad. I super glued a part of it back together.


  1. Oh my gosh that looks SOOOOOOO painful!!!!!!! OUCH!!!! Ibuprofen!

  2. Ouch, that looks Sore (with a capital S). Bandages, and I agree with Connie - ibruprofen!


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