
My oh my was today an emotional day. I left for work at 6 AM and headed out to my job all the way across town. Which isn't ideal, but it is good money, and good hours (so far) so here I am. Anyways! Today started off, I was doing a new job back in service that I wasn't trained for. It was way more difficult then it had to be. I was supposed to be catching calls for the service advisors so they could work better, but I didn't know how to make appointments or anything. SO, I was stuck passing my calls off to them, when they really couldn't handle it all. If I had been trained, and knew what I was doing with appointments, and knew the pricing, I would have done GREAT!

So, after I went to my car to eat my lunch (yes, I'm that lame) I called my Mom instead, and cried to her that everything was so dumb! I hate looking like a major idiot when I am trying my hardest. After I got off lunch, I looked up everything on how to set appointments, and then this guy showed me how to do one thing... and I was on a roll! Which was um... not a roll. It was good, but not the best. I just wished I would have been TRAINED! My motto for work is that, I am there to work.. so I don't cut corners, and teach me how to do it, and it will get done. STRAIGHT UP!!

That was my day.
It was ridiculous.
It will get better.


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