Murmuring! I don't know, just don't do it!


I cleaned an 88 year old woman's house. She had arthritis so badly that she couldn't reach the furthest part of the kitchen counter. So I wiped them down for her.

I drove in my car with the windows down all day.

I went to the pool and laid out and swam a little. It was great to soak up the sun.

I bought this pair of TOMS and am so excited to get them in the mail within the next 10 business days. If you don't know about TOMS or the awesome contribution that they are you should definitely go check it out.

I went to work at David's Bridal and was bored the entire time.

After work I played ultimate frisbee in a dress, and my team lost. I did however, catch the frisbee all but twice. It was great, and I got a work out.

I put air in my front right tire that keeps going low. It is really starting to piss me off. I might have to get an entirely new tire. BOO.

I watched Latter-Day Night Live and laughed at all the funny mormon jokes. "What do mormons do when they run out of food?" - "They, uhhh, go to their basement and get some more... or they, uhh, fake like their sick, and the neighbors bring over casseroles and stuff."


I'm going to do an impersonation of Lehi, with a Christopher Walkin twist.

Lehi: Uhhhh hey, kids... Yah remember Jerusalem? Crazy mixem' ups, always runnin' around. Well, uh, yeah! You're goin' back! What was that Nephi? Murmuring?? uh, well.. I don't know! Just don't do it!

Oh, the life I lead!

-- Shelby Lou


  1. It sounds like you had a pretty interesting and fun day. It probably would have been better if I was there though. Team Peeta!


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