How I Am....

I don't shave my entire leg in the shower. My upper thighs are beastly. You might find this gross, but it's the truth.

I look much better in real life than in pictures.

I currently have an obsession with bandanas. So cute.

I can't stand it when there are crumbs on the kitchen floor. That is the reason why I am always wearing socks or shoes. The crumbs make me feel like I am back in time, and there is no such thing as a broom or a vacuum.

People usually take me seriously when I say something. I rarely ever lie.

Feet are gross. I don't normally jump twenty feet if you touch mine, but I dislike it. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

I hate it when you are talking to someone about your dislikes, or your hardships and they follow up with how their hardships and dislikes are more, or worse then yours.

I appreciate compliments, but they also make me feel weird. I would rather you wrote me a note and told me what you like about me, then saying it to me. I'm not sure what to say back.. Thank You? Just seems so awkward.

Along with that, people who call me darling, or babe, or adorable... who are you? I just was wondering. We aren't dating... are we? Not the last time I checked. You aren't my grandmother or my great grand Aunt are you? Okay, then maybe you should stop.

I have good friends. I have people that are some of my very best friends. I don't really have ONE singled out person, that is just mine. You know what? That's okay by me.

I love freckles on faces and arms. They make me feel safe, they make me feel happy.

In public restrooms, I don't put down that toilet cover thing.. and I don't "squat" or "hoover" (unless it is SUPER sicknast) call me gross, call me unsanitary, call me whatever you'd like. I just don't do it.

Crocs are cool. No matter what you say.

My favorite flowers are pink and white peonies. They symbolize love, which I am very fond of.

It is hot in my house right now, and it reminds me of the time that we had a dinner party in Logan and the kitchen was so hot. I was walking up the stairs with Jane and there were a bunch of people in the dining room and I said.. "It's roastin' balls in here!" I got the weirdest looks.

If I could pick the appearance of my future mate he would be 5 feet 11 inches tall skinny as a rail... with arms like a champ. He would wear cargo shorts and button up shirts with loose skinny ties and sanuks. He would have black rimmed glasses and short dark brown hair with a tid-bit of a receding hair line. Freckles on his cheeks and a light tan complexion. He would also have perfectly shaped eyebrows, just naturally. Mmmm

I love you blogging friends.. I do. Cherish this information.


  1. I don't shave my whole leg either, I'm glad I'm not alone in the un-girly grossness. :)

  2. I adore you.

    I am blessed with hairless legs. There is NO hair on my legs ever. I love it so bad.

    Also, I am the SAME way about my feet.

  3. I skip shaving my upper legs when I don't have time, which happens to be often. It happens. 8)

    I think feet are disgusting. End of story.



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