Finding Hope: The Grass Is Greener

So, I totally stole this quote from someone's blog, but I doubt they read MY blog so I will just post it without a reference. Just know, in advance, that it is stolen. Okay? haha

"The grass is not, in fact, greener on the other side of the fence... The grass is greener where it is watered."

I fell in love with this quote. Mainly because I have been having a hard time with things lately. Things aren't necessarily looking up for me, but they are getting easier to understand. If you have been reading my blog, I did in fact decide to go meet with my bishop, just to talk about things. I feel like I need some serious counsel in my life. I have been thinking lately, and trying very hard to be optimistic, that life is just a bunch of trails.

Sometimes our trails might not be noticeable. You might think to yourself, wow, life is pretty good. Which in my head, is a trail in itself. It is at that point in time, when things are great. That we need to remember our savior the most, and be the best possible versions of ourselves. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is that... we all need to learn to not covet others lives. I am so guilty of always thinking, if only I were like THAT girl, or why am I not married? Why don't I have that scholarship, and THAT major and THOSE kinds of friends. We all need to realize that it isn't that others have a better life then we do. It is that they have been doing the right things to get them there. "Watering their grass".

I have talked to a couple of different people about the subject of marriage lately, and have come to the conclusion, that although I am in desperate want of a boyfriend. I am in no way, in NEED of a husband. I am so young, and I have so many more trails, and experiences ahead of me. I want to serve a mission for my church. I want to be the best possible me. There is so much to do, and if it takes a long time... then that is just how it will be. Because I don't want to be something I'm not ready for, especially if I can prepare myself better.

I just want you all to know, that I love my life. I love the people in it, the chances I have, the things I do. I love the gospel, I love myself, and I especially love my trails. Most of the time, I complain and get worried and frustrated, but I know deep down they will help, they will build me up. Things will be ok, I know it. I know that life has a purpose, and there are certain people placed in our lives at certain times. I know that without the help of others I wouldn't make it, no matter how much I would love to do this on my own. I know that. It is a very happy feeling.


  1. Wonderful words, Shelby Lou! I have been feeling a lot of the same lately, but it's good to remember that life has a purpose. I'm also glad you shared that quote about the grass being greener where you water it--very wise.



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