No Dice
(These are me and some of my friends at a dance a couple of weekends ago. It was fun and we got the camera guy to set stuff up for us again because we were late getting our picture! )
I feel like I need to update everyone on my life. So here it goes...JOB: I am currently employed at an awesome Bridal store as a customer service representative. I set appointments and jazz, it's pretty legit. I am working my first Saturday this week in the store and I am kind of nervous. Saturdays are our busiest days. I need to find another job because I am going to start paying my own car insurance soon. The thing with my car insurance is that I am an idiot and have a wreck, three traffic tickets, and a nice car under my belt. Which makes my insurance CRAZY. I looked on esurance yesterday but it was like 240 a month. My Mom has this plan for me to pay 200 a month. I'm still searching tho, if you know of any places with cheap car insurance, let me know.
SCHOOL: I am putting of doing homework as we speak. I have actually gotten 2 things done already this week which is a HUGE step in the right direction. Last week I just didn't do any homework at all. I can't do that this week. Or ever again, so I have to kick it up a notch.
HEALTH: I have a dentist appointment next week, which will be my last one for a while! SCORE! I also have to hit up the eye doctor. I started doing Yoga again on Monday and have done it all week this week. It's totes legit. I missed it a lot. I have also decided that I am going to go vegetarian during lent and not drink soda. So the next little while will be tough but totally worth it. There are some bomb burger places here in Happy Valley, so I will have to restrain. I will however be eating fish and some poultry. I guess that's not COMPLETELY vegetarian, but that is how I have done it in the past, so I am just going to stick to it. I guess I should just say I am giving up RED MEAT and will only eat chicken on occasion. Wish me luck?
(OH BURGER! How I will miss thee! haha)
RELIGION: I have been getting so good at saying my prayers MORNING and NIGHT and I am so happy for that. I also read my scriptures and/or a general conference talk every night before I go to sleep. I am in desperate need of some service opportunities and ways that I can improve others lives. That way I can start to change my own. If any of you need anything, let me know ok? Thanks!
FAMILY/ FRIENDS: I have some pretty sweet friends! I am so excited to be going home next weekend to see my family and be with them. Also to be able to see my long lost BEEZY. I miss her terribly. NO LIE. Oh and ASH is coming to Vegas with Danielle on Friday afternoon and I am so excited for her to meet my family and stuff. It will be good times! I'm hoping she will hang out with me and my sister on Saturday. BUT that is all up to her, ya know. haha
BOYS: No improvement here. I have been trying to talk to this guy in my friends ward, but I am just way too shy. He is totally out of my league anyways. I have also been trying to find out that guy that called me pretty, his last name, so I can facebook stalk him. NO DICE. I even went to his ward prayer searching for him, but nothing. Oh well, maybe it wasn't meant to be! Other then that I am just trying to stay away from boys, they seem to only cause me trouble! Maybe one day they wont be so ridiculous!
That's my update on my life.. I hope you enjoyed it! Happy Ash Wednesday! Get started on all things lent today! Good luck, and email me if you want to, I'd love to hear about your journey through Lent to become a better you! shelbyloudelongATgmail{dot}com
(Remember that one time, when I had a pet Zebra with a tag that said, DO NOT SIT! Oh and I had a lazy eye on my face! Silly me!)
I love that last pic, it is too cute!!
ReplyDeletehaha I love how you did your life update. Good luck with giving up red meat! I couldn't do it myself.
ReplyDeletehaha i think the word vegetarian is funny, seems like a fad the past few years. also seems like people bend it to mean what they want it to lol. i gotta give you props for giving up red meat though. i wouldn't do it, i actually read today that a lean steak has the same amount of saturated fat as chicken. but its not about that, its about lent! so rock on and lent it up
ReplyDeleteSHELBY!!! that dance was at my apartment complex!!!