Letters to Random People & Things

Dear Wingers,
Please offer me the job opening that you have, I really want it. I will be sitting down in your restaurant in about an hour and I really just want the job. I am really nice, and I am very hard-working. I don't skip corners, or make too many mistakes. PLEASE PLEASE give me the job.
Thank you,
Anxiously waiting.

Dear Man of My Dreams,
I know you are out there somewhere, could you just wait a little bit longer. I'm not ready for you to come yet. I have to be more prepared. In the mean time, don't date too many people, but have a good time? Yeah, I'm jealous already.
Love you,
Dear Branbury Parking Lot,
You are PACKED now that the kiddies are back to school. It's pretty intense, if you could grant me a parking spot close to home at least 4 times a week, I would love you. FOREVER & EVER.
Shelby Lou

Dear CSN,
You suck. I don't want to go back to you. But I am trying to have a positive attitude, don't kill me, please. UGH!
Not your friend,
Sorry it wont ever happen,
Dear Ashree,
I think you are the coolest. Nuff said.
Your frand,
Shelby Lou
Dear Hair,
Remember how I cursed you, and said you looked like a style of Peter Pan. I apologize. I love you, but I do have one complaint. Guys don't like you, at all. :/ Sad day.


  1. Dear Shelby, I love writing letters like this on my blog. I think I may do a post and write one to you!

    P.S. You hair is freaking adorable. Boys are stupid. True story.

  2. I love letters. I love doing this. I hope you get the job my dear! I'm sure you will! 8)

  3. I like when you write letters on your blog. They are always good. I might copy you. You are the bomb dot com. I hope you get the job today!

  4. Where's my letter? And your hair is fab-don't let anyone tell you otherwise. P.S. Shia Lebouf likes your hair-haven't you seen his GF?

  5. Ooh, I love this! And don't let boys ruin your hair- I think it's awesome.

  6. That was adorable. I especially like what you wrote to Future-husband-of-Shelby. It was refreshing and cute! Great post!

  7. Dear Shelby. I love your face everyday of my life. You are so sweet and so fun! im so glad we are friends! yay!! thank you for the sweet letter :)
    Ash Att

  8. Hi, Shelby! I am new to your blog and I think you hilarious! I love doing letters on my blog. Yours crack me up...for reals!

  9. Dear Ms. Lou's Hair,
    I love you. You are so cute when you're short. Well actually you are cute every style but you are especially cute the way you are now.


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