Flight is Essential

Currently, I have spent the past 19 hours or so reading and sleeping. With a little break to eat, and that is about it. For the first 5 hours and the last hour I have been doing reading for school, so in two days that is 6 hours dedicated just to reading for school. One hour for food, (I almost forgot) 6 hours of sleep, and another 6 hours to reading.. drum roll please....


On thursday, my little package came in the mail from my friend Alex. I am a poor college student, and can't afford to buy the books, and I don't know anyone here that is reading them. SO being the awesome person she is.. she sent them to me. All the way from the sunny state of California. Which, from what I hear, hasn't been so sunny lately? Anyways, she was kind enough to mail them to me, but I had a TON of homework to get done so I didn't start reading them until last night. Then, I couldn't put it down. It was SO GOOD. I was waiting to see what would happen next, constantly twisting and turning what would happen. Yeah, there were some guessable parts, like when they say at the end that only one can win, and Katniss and Peeta decide it's all or nothing. That, I knew was going to happen towards the end, but that's ok. I was so pleased with this book, and I still have to read Catching Fire. It's sitting on my desk and I want to read, but I know I wont be able to get myself out of the house if I start now. Basically, I am in love with the book. Thanks Alex!!

Other then Katniss entering my life A.K.A. my new hero. (She might not be too smart in the love department, but I love her through it.) Not much has been happening. I finally got a job at David's Bridal and I am so so excited to start working there! I also got a second interview at Motherhood Maternity and they said they would work around my David's Bridal times, so I might have two jobs soon! Keep your fingers crossed that everything works out.

Right now, I have a lot I feel like I need to blog about, and I will soon enough... if you have any requests.. I will take them. Like old posts, that I used to write that you want to see a version of again because you liked it. Let me know, because even though this is my journal I like to hear what you like to hear, because then it gets me going on other things. Have a fantastic weekend! :D


  1. YAY for Hunger Games! That book gets you roped it! I can't wait to hear what you think of Catching Fire. Please know that the end of the book will make you want to scream. That is all.

    p.s. Do you love Peeta or what??

  2. i love the hunger games!

    so glad you love them too =]

  3. I love books that you can't put down. This was one for me as well. Word of advice, if you can stand it, wait to read Catching Fire until the third book is on shelves or will be in the immediate future. The ending drops and nearly kills you! Ack!

    Congrats on getting the job! I bet working at a Bridal shop would be so great!

    I'm semi new to the blog, so I don't have any requests. Other than: keep blogging. I love reading what you have to say.

  4. I'm so pleased that everything is coming together for you!

    Also, I'm glad you enjoyed The Hunger Games. I was seriously thrilled when I read the books because it had been a while since I'd had a series that I just couldn't put down and that's the best kind of reading (even if it isn't condusive to productivity or leaving the house). Enjoy Catching Fire!

  5. Shelbster-I am very proud of your 'Hunger Games' progress! Get it girl! You are more than welcome! I was happy to be able to share some book love with my Internet Bff!

    <3 your face.


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