Matt Roloff? Seriously?

So basically, I have been sleeping the entire day? Where did my Monday go?? Umm... to dreamland. How awesome is that? The drugs I'm currently on are, Penicillin, left over Valium and Diazepam. Don't you just LOVE the dentist?! I'm kind of ashamed to say, that no matter how many times I go there, and however good he is... I am still terrified of him.
Today I woke up to my phone ringing. SHOOT! I forgot that I take the boys, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning to school. So out I shot of bed running for warm shoes and my car keys. It completely spaced my mind that OF COURSE I would need my glasses, but once I was out of the driveway there was no returning.
FIRST let me explain to you, I am totally blind. I can see shapes and colors. SO that was an interesting drive to say the least.
I went to the house and got the boys all woken up and dressed because I had totally forgotten that I had a dentist appointment at 9:30 so I had to hurry and get ready. Luckily my mom was awake and making breakfast for my dad, (for some odd reason) and she made them eggs with bacon and they sat, semi-quietly as my Aunt Connie and Uncle Ron slept. I took a shower and got ready and by that time it was off to school! I'd like to take this moment to credit myself and say I am a very good driver, even when I am blind and am on valium! Indeed I made it back and forth quite efficiently!
So I went to the dentist, got numbed up, got a root canal, came home, ate some potato soup and was asleep in my bed by Noon. I think I woke up once during my slumber, my mom came in and asked if I was ok... I heard Matt Roloff in the background, shook my head in disgust and said YEAH. It was a good day if you ask me. A good, good day.
Now my best friend Danielle is on her way over in about an hour to watch movies and laze around with me for the night. I haven't seen her since TUESDAY last week!!! I'm having withdrawals....


  1. I know how things are when driving without glasses. Glad you didn't crash.

    And good job juggling everything too.

  2. Sounds like you had a very busy morning! Im glad that you got to sleep the afternoon away. I was busy making Christmas cards all freaking day long.


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