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I wont have anytime to post later this evening because I will be watching my little nephew Carter. His is a punk, but I love him anyways. I've been thinking a lot lately about my future and things like that. I've decided that once I get to Provo I'm finding myself a husband, getting married, and having 8 kids. It's going to be awesome!! I will be a total stereotype and I will live in a little house with writing on the walls of my favorite General Authority quotes. My little girls will all wear the same hair style, my boys will dress alike, and I will start wearing a bump it in my hair. It will be the greatest life ever. Maybe I should start buying gender nuetral onesies now, so that when I have my child, (with no pain killers of course) I will be ready. MAYBE, or MAYBE I will go wedding dress shopping. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking of something like this...

I like the whole shield look. It's very military-esque. I will go on my honey moon to Salt Lake and stay in the Raddison then journey home 2 days later with baby number 1 in my belly. What a treat! After all of that I will stay at home and make crafts all day while my husband works his tail off! Don't worry though, there will be a mean casserole waiting for him when he gets off. ;)

Ahhhh the life I lead!

*** Sorry if I offend anyone, or make someone upset. That dress is hideous, and if you like it I'm sorry. I am not going to do this, and I don't care if you have or if you plan on doing this. That's you not me, I was just touching on my options. That is all! Have a great night!***


  1. Will be stereotypical with me? Please?

  2. BAHAHA! I was like "I am going to try really hard to look at this dress and like it..." But I just couldn't. So I'm glad that you were just joking!

  3. You crack me up!

    I for one love your new life plan!

    That dress is heinous...ew.

  4. This post was so good I had to read it to Jeremy. We laughed together.


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