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I wont have anytime to post later this evening because I will be watching my little nephew Carter. His is a punk, but I love him anyways. I've been thinking a lot lately about my future and things like that. I've decided that once I get to Provo I'm finding myself a husband, getting married, and having 8 kids. It's going to be awesome!! I will be a total stereotype and I will live in a little house with writing on the walls of my favorite General Authority quotes. My little girls will all wear the same hair style, my boys will dress alike, and I will start wearing a bump it in my hair. It will be the greatest life ever. Maybe I should start buying gender nuetral onesies now, so that when I have my child, (with no pain killers of course) I will be ready. MAYBE, or MAYBE I will go wedding dress shopping. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking of something like this...

I like the whole shield look. It's very military-esque. I will go on my honey moon to Salt Lake and stay in the Raddison then journey home 2 days later with baby number 1 in my belly. What a treat! After all of that I will stay at home and make crafts all day while my husband works his tail off! Don't worry though, there will be a mean casserole waiting for him when he gets off. ;)
Ahhhh the life I lead!
*** Sorry if I offend anyone, or make someone upset. That dress is hideous, and if you like it I'm sorry. I am not going to do this, and I don't care if you have or if you plan on doing this. That's you not me, I was just touching on my options. That is all! Have a great night!***
Will be stereotypical with me? Please?
ReplyDeleteBAHAHA! I was like "I am going to try really hard to look at this dress and like it..." But I just couldn't. So I'm glad that you were just joking!
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up!
ReplyDeleteI for one love your new life plan!
That dress is heinous...ew.
This post was so good I had to read it to Jeremy. We laughed together.