Away We Go!!!

I'm not sure why, but it's always the last twent or thirty minutes of work, when I feel like I get the best ideas for blogging. Right when I can't, I can. Sometimes, it's so frustrating. Today it isn't as bad because I know what I am going to say, I have been thinking about it all day long. This morning I woke up hesitant, as you can tell from the post below this. I was having a hard time deciding what to do about my hair. It might not seem like that big of deal to some of you, but hair is important. Those people who can go around with, the same hair style, same color, all the time, make me nervous. What is so insanely wrong with you, that you don't have to change your hair? I don't get it. Anyways... it was a big decision.
Kaylen, my dear, dear friend, commented about how girls use their hair as a security blanket, and the fact that I could cut mine all off was awesome. (Well she didn't say exactly that, but you get my drift.) I really took that to heart in my decision. I did cut my hair again, really short. It's dark, and it's short, and it is pretty. Laura, my fabulous stylist did a fantastic job. Do I feel like peter pan this time? That is tough to say... I've been avoiding the mirror.
I did this because I needed to teach myself a lesson. Weird huh? Teaching yourself a lesson, instead of learning from others. It's called courage, and I believe that I have a lot of that. So I went into the salon, chopped off my hair, and made myself come to the conclusion that, "You do not have to have long hair to be beautiful." You don't. Yeah, it's pretty and lush and all that stuff, but it doesn't make you beautiful, the inside is what does that.

One time, I dated this guy and he liked girls with long hair... too bad my hair was like Peter Pan's. He would say all the time how pretty girls with long hair are, and blah blah blah. That is when I felt like I had made a mistake. I felt like I had done something wrong, and that no one would ever see me for who I am, because I didn't look, classy or straight (yes, some people have thought I am a lesbian, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! Sorry, but I take offense to that. I can't exactly explain why, but it hurts my feelings.) So it all began. The whining, the crying the, woe is me attitude. I knew a TON of girls in high school like this. I swore I would never be that girl to say that I am ugly, to say that I am not just as beautiful as the next woman down the road. I swore to myself that, and when I made that drastic change, I broke that promise. Alex said she is going to hurt me if I say I am not pretty again, (in a friendly kind of way, like a... seriously I will slap you, but not really kind of way.)so..... I wont say it anymore. That's that, that is the end of the road for me.
I've given myself this fresh new look, and now I have to learn how to shine through it and be the best possible verison of myself. Which ties into what BBL was saying, her goal for the new year, is to just be the best possible her there is. I know she wont mind that I steal that same goal, because she loves to be inspirational. I also don't think she will mind if you steal the same goal for yourself, because we all know when, "Mama is happy, everybody is happy." You might not be a mom, niether am I, but optimisim wears on people. So... here I go. I'm on my way, and it's going to be good.


  1. i saw the pic on twitter earlier today: you are beautiful!

    my best friend kept her hair super short for a long time. i love it.

    you don't have to have long hair to be beautiful!

  2. You make it sound like I gave you a death threat! haha

    I just hate that you do not think you are beautiful. Because you ARE! You are beyond pretty and I wish I could rock cute short hair like you can.

    I say the same stuff all the time! That I am not pretty, hello! We are girls it is what we do.

    I think I will take this challenge with you and BBL. Let's do this. Face Punch style.

    Long story short, you are amazing with or without long/short hair.

    Also, I heart you Shelbster! xoxo Provo will not know what him them!!

    And then I will tell Prove, "Dude come on guys it was the tornado of awesome also known as Shelbster! Duh."

  3. I love you. So badly.

    You are beautiful!

  4. What a great post. I love your short hair, that boyfriend of yours was a dummy. Obviously he couldn't appreciate what he had right in front of his face.

    Good for you, doing what you feel is beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and honestly, if someone doesn't like you because of your hair and hair alone, they are not worthy of being your friend/boyfriend/etc.

    Good luck with your goal, I know you will do well!

    x, ash

  5. I saw your hair.. and it's beautiful! Who cares if it's not the typical long hair style. I wish I had the guts to do something drastic to my looks.

    But seriously. You're beautiful! And I know you'll do great at your goal. It sounds like something I should definitely try as well

  6. I wish I had it in me to cut off all my hair. I do use it as a security blanket, I suck. Haha. I usually take it shorter and shorter every time I get it cut and get different things done with it but I have puffy hair that needs lots of attention to look nice if I choose not to let it down. If it were short I don't know what would happen. Haha. Anyway, you are gorgeous.

  7. Um I love that you changed it. Seriously. You are so amazing and awesome AND beautiful. If only I were a boy...and liked girls in THAT way. :)

  8. This is why so many people love you. Good luck in Provo...I wish you the best and you will be in my prayers!


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