About Me

As I receive more love from the blogging world, and a ton more followers (39 at the moment) I would like to do a little post about myself. All about me, who I am, what I'm all about and all that good stuff. If you know me already, then go on and skip this, but for those of you who are new to my little world... read on.
My name is as it says on the URL Shelby Lou DeLong. I was born in the lovely Las Vegas, Nevada in the hot heat of the summer. My sign is, Cancer and currently my horoscope says... "It is taking a long time, but everything is slowly improving for you. As the diagnosis of your romantic interest's health continues to improve, you should be feeling empowered by love. By sharing love during the holiday season, you usually get it back many times over." I have no romantic interest, so I think that part is false, but that was fun nonetheless! Anyways...
I have lived in the great state of Nevada my entire life, that was, until May of this year when I moved to Logan, Utah for the summer. I planned on staying there for school but it was too expensive and, I am boring you with that so... I moved back to Las Vegas in August, and I am currently on the move again to Provo, Utah. How awesome is that?! I'm not sure either, so don't make that face at the screen mmkay! Either way I will be with my great and awesome friend Danielle who I love to pieces, so it will be awesome... no matter what.
In high school I was a Student Council crazy. I lived, breathed and ate student council. I was on the State Board for Nevada's student council as one of the Vice Presidents and it was pretty fun. After high school though, I felt I had done my fair share of leading, and just bummed around for a while. I dated someone, then got my heart broken, but that's okay, we live, we learn. I moved to Logan and learned about how to be on my own and being home is great too, now I just have to decide which one I like better. I guess it's being away, because that is where I am headed. I have no idea what I want to do with my life career wise, so that's up in the air. I do however, know what I want to be, "when I grow up".
My dream is to be a mother, mom, mommy, momster, you know whatever the kids prefer! I want lots of kids, and lots of time to be with them. (By lots of kids I'm thinking in the area of 6 or more, my future husband and I will discuss that later.) That is my dream though, to be a mom and create a beautiful life for my family. It's a hard job, but I will be up to it when the time comes.
I'm a Mormon. You know, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's pretty cool, if you don't know about it, you should check it out sometime. I love my religion, but I don't shove it down peoples throats. This blog, however, is my personal journal so I will talk a lot about it, and emphasize on it A LOT. If you are offended, I apologize, don't read.
Mainly though, I am just a college aged student trying to figure myself out. I love chocolate and cookies and goodies of all sorts. My favorite food is pizza and always will be, I was raised on it, it's the best thing ever. I love to take pictures and make funny faces at myself in the mirror, because I'm cool like that. I love music, it's great and I have a really wide variety of taste in it. There is nothing I love to do more then create cool stuff for my baby cousins to do. I love to take them hiking, make crafts, and do silly videos with them in it. They are the cutest two boys ever. LITERALLY. I love clothes, but I have an awkward style. I shop at target and old navy, but I don't look the same as everyone else. I'm very indecisive and I can never make up my mind. I hate picking the place to eat for dinner, but will tell you all the places I wont go. I don't like to exercise but when I do, it's Yoga. I think I am the funniest person ever sometimes, that's why I go to the movies alone most of the time.
Basically, I love to blog. I love to be me. I love to write missionaries and read their letters about weird companions and investigators. I love awkward moments and sometimes make them happen on purpose. I curse when I'm excited, or if I'm mad and I try hard not to. I love my Mac and I will never buy a PC as long as I live. I love my family and my awesome sisters. They are really cool. I love to take walks and my favorite place to take them is at Target. I love to blog. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It makes my day to read comments from unknown visitors, who soon become friends. It's the greatest thing. I love to write, but haven't in so long it's unreal. I love life, even though I complain, or I am upset about situations... I LOVE MY LIFE. I try really hard to optimistic and usually it works. I love diet coke. I love boys. I love tv-shows.
I can't think of much else to say. Thanks for reading my blog, my journal on life. Thanks for taking time to comment, if you do, and it really makes me so happy to see the people who read my thoughts. I'm so blessed to be alive and I'm so grateful to be able to have this technology to write blogs, and read them. Again, thanks for reading... LOVE, ME!


  1. This was an awesome post! Being away from home will teach you a lot about yourself! It makes you see more of who you are and what your family really means to you. It is awesome.

    I also want to be a mom, preferably one that stays at home with my kiddos so I don't miss any of their awesomeness growing up.

    You rock Shelby Lou :)

  2. Shelbster! I freaking love you girl! You make me laugh. End of story!

  3. I say it like every time, but I love your blog. And the way you are you, with no apologies. The whole world should take note -- because you do it well!

    x, ash

  4. Did you count me as a follower? Bc I read religiously but I don't know how to tag myself as an "official follower". So, how abouts you put me down as your #40 unofficial fan? I like the sound of that immensely :)

  5. I am your 40th "official" follower. GO me. I'm very glad I found you on twitter. I am also glad you did a post all about you shortly after because now I like know you, know you. :D

    Love this post. Really I do.

    We are going to have great times in Disneyland. And I am going to enjoy doing your make-up for your wedding. :D 'member? you 'member!!

  6. I like your about you. So are you moving to be closer to Calvin? ;)

  7. yay for utah and not knowing what to do in the future!

    its like we're on different boats on a similar river


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