Proust? Anyone?

The all time favorite questionnaire, the PROUST QUESTIONNAIRE. Take the challange, fill it out and post it on your blog. Maybe then, we can all see who you really are! :D Really, though, it's just for fun! Indeed... let's get started.

Your most marked characteristic?
Always giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Is that a characterisitc? I'm actually not quite sure how to answer this question.

The quality you most like in a man?
Honesty in compliments.

The quality you most like in a woman?

What do you most value in your friends?
Their ability to make the worst seem better.

What is your principle defect?

What is your favorite occupation?
Loving, and being Loved.

What is your dream of happiness?
Eternal Marriage & Everlasting Love.

What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
Never knowing God.

What would you like to be?
Eventually, a mother. Right now? Someone who makes others love their life, and be grateful for it.

In what country would you like to live?
The United States of America.

What is your favorite color?
My favorite color changes daily. It's whatever I see that makes me think of good things. Usually a yellow or green or navy blue.

What is your favorite flower?
White and Pink Peonies.

What is your favorite bird?
I'm not sure I have one, but the pigeon must need some love.

Who are your favorite prose writers?
Charolette Bronte, Gregory Maguire, Alice Sebold

Who are your favoite poets?
I'm not sure I have one.

Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
Edw... hahaha just kidding! Ummm I'm not sure I have one of those either.

Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
Jane Eyre.

Who are your favorite composers?
Jack's Mannequin. Ace Enders.

Who are your heroes in real life?

What are your favorite names?
Hirum, Neil, Wallace, Jane, Hunter

What is it you most dislike?
The feeling of loss.

What historical figures do you most despise?
I wouldn't say I despise any of them. For how much damage and hatred was caused by great and viscious people, they taught us something in the long run.

What natural gift would you most like to possess?
I will answer the same as Proust, will power and irresistable charm. haha

How would you like to die?
Again I will answer the same as Proust.
A better (wo)man than I am, and much beloved

What is your present state of mind?
Fear, Annoyance, Loss of Love.

What is your motto?
There are two kinds of people in this world, the ones we love, and the ones we do not know.


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