I just had to tell you all about my love for Christmas. It is my most favorite holiday and it makes me so very happy to be able to share it with all the people I love. What I love most about Christmas is the spirit that it brings to everyone. I know that it has become so commercialized and such with all of the presents and such but there is another spirit that comes about around this time of year. The spirit of Christ, the true reason for Christmas. Some people say that they want to keep the Christ in Christmas, I agree, but he never really left it for me. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have always remembered the greatest gift of Christmas, Christ. It's kind of sad that the end of the year sometimes seems like the only giving and loving time, but at least it's there. Everyone knows, it's "that time of year" where run ins and accidents become overlooked. Wishes and dreams are granted. What a wonderful time!
I can't wait for when I get to start my own traditions with my own little family. Decorating the Christmas tree, while listening to Christmas music ( Alan Jackson's Honky Tonk Christmas, and The Preachers Wife) We will have a fresh cut tree, probably from a lot. Beautiful Christmas lights trimming the edges of our home, and a snowman outside (if the weather permits.) We will make sugar cookies and leave them on our friends doorsteps to wish them Happy Holidays, and there will be so much joy and happiness all around. At least that is how I dream it to be.
Some other great things I love about Christmas and winter are; gloves, scarves, and coats. Boots and hats, and rosy red noses. Hot chocolate that burns your tongue but makes you laugh till you can't anymore. Snow! Christmas music, Christmas movies, and everything Christmas!!!
Amen sister.