Holding in a Sneeze

Sometimes, I am really- extra- super- duper- glad that some people don't know how to work the internets. Because really, if they read my blog... I would constantly be hounded with, are you okays? and SERIOUSLY?! 's. Without these said people, life rolls along pretty smooth. It's also cool to have quote on quote "famous" blog friends but not be famous yourself. Yeah, of course it would be nice if I got 20 or so comments on a post but who needs that drama? Some days I wish I had it, just because it would give me something to do, but other days... MAN. Who wants to be critisized every step of the way by some unknown person that lives miles and miles away from you. It's just not the coolest thing in the world. Also, I have a pretty free reign of what I can talk about, I don't leave much out. Those that read, well you get the real deal. I know there are some people who wander on here from facebook to read my blog then leave and hate me. That is okay by me though, it's cool NO BIG.
My cousion Chris mentioned the other day that I get too deep on my blog sometimes, and that he really isn't "into that kind of stuff". I figure he isn't the only one. I mean, who wants to read about what I agonize over and what half of my thoughts are countinually throughout the day. Well, who does besides me? That is why I have a blog though. Really. It's cool to have blogging friends and such but really this whole thing is for me. I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. Yeah, I do edit it a bit, but who doesn't? I know those deep and meaningful posts aren't as cool or funny for you guys, but it really helps a girl out to get her thoughts in type.
Today I learned a little bit about myself. I'm not a game player. I don't like to play "the game". I'm going to post about something that I know might come back to bite me, but hey.. I'm a rebel. So let's get started.
You might not know about G-Friend, or you might. Either way you will understand this by the end of the post. G-Friend and I are, well we are just friends. (Just check the nickname.) It's not even that weird of a situation either. We have gone on dates, multiple dates, and we text occasionally, (we are both selective texters, I will explain this later) his brother is my good friend so we hang out on occasion when he isn't busy with other stuff. We kissed a while back and now, things are just like they were before, no scratch that... they are even more casual then they were before. Kind of like a, we had to see what it was like, ok... cool that was awesome, now let's move on. That's how it went. HE isn't one for relationships. I on the other hand can't hope enough that soon I will be in one. I don't want to be in a relationship with him, and he doesn't want to be in one with me. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. I think what I'm trying to say, is that, I feel like none of what happened, happened. So yeah. Bottom line, it's awkward, because it isn't awkward and half the time when I am around him... I just want to grab his face and kiss him. WEIRD.

wow. I have been holding that in too long.


  1. Hey Shelby!! I don't think you're going too "deep" in your blog posts at all. Isn't that what a blog is for? I love your blog, you have a great way of expressing the way you feel! I don't see why people hate on stuff like that..

    And I hope things get better with that guy, that's definitely an awkward situation! Just keep hanging in there.

    And the title of your post? Made of awesome :D

  2. I agree!!! I like that you don't post for comments, attention, or acceptance! it's the same for me. I blog because it makes me feel that if somehow i express it in a post i get it off my chest, proclaim it to the world, and then i feel better about my situation. I LOVE blogging because of it's benefits for me personally, and if you meet a couple friends along the way i'm cool with that too ;)
    So keep on keepin' on!



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