I don't ask for comments, ever. I just write about my life, and be who I am, regardless of who is out there. BUT I have been known to have a little fun with my blogging friends from time to time. That is why I am going to have a little fun today, well this weekend. I know you are all so busy preparing yourselves for New Moon tonight, and/or tomorrow, so you have until Sunday. I will keep a link on the sidebar in big bold letters so my other posts don't get rid of the question post. Which is this post... confused yet? haha I am going to have you all ask me any question about myself, about my opinions, anything you'd like. I will answer them ALL and I will do it with the upmost integrity!

Here are the ground rules;

1. Don't be crude.
2. Have your question(s) in by Sunday night at Midnight.

Got it? So basically, there are no rules. You can comment anonymously... if you want. You can ask me anything, and I will truthfully answer ALL of your questions. I will answer every question to my best ability, so ask good questions! If you would like to, you can email me the questions so no one else knows it was you, if it is that intense... my email is shelbyloudelong {at} gmail {dot} com. For those of you stalking from facebook, message me on facebook and I will answer your question. (or AUNT KIM and AUNT MONA email me.. haha oh yeah and NOEL.)This is going to be AWESOME. I am really excited!! So... ask away my friends. ASK AWAY.


  1. Why is there braille at the drive up ATM?

    Why can't they make the whole airplane out of the "black box" material?

    Why does my dog eat cat poop?

    Im not done yet I will keep thinking. . . ..

  2. I was thinking... questions about me, my life you know. not just random questions haha

  3. How many guys have you kissed in your whole entire life? Who was the best? Why?

    Who was the worst? Why?

    Would you still like a guy if he was good looking and funny... but had a BO problem and was also prone to bad breath... even though he didn't stink all the time? Just, like, 50% of the time?

  4. What do you notice first about guys?

    How do you know if a guy likes you?

    How do you let a guy know that he likes you?

    That's all for now.

  5. For the rest of your life would you rather have to only eat standing up. OR always have to enter your car through the passanger side?

  6. Would you rather be totally slutty, or as socially awkward as that guy we hung out with last Saturday?

  7. What is your definition of the term "jacked mormon?"

    Who is your favorite Disney princess?

    Why can't I find a dress for Winter Formal?

  8. What's your worst fear?
    What do you dream about at night?
    If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?you have to pick something.
    What's your favorite book?

  9. why do you like men with hairy chests?

    who are these mormon bachelor pad guys? Have you met them or are they a mystery? I just don't get it.

    and these are Jeremy's questions...

    if you were a piece of pie would you eat yourself?

    if you HAD to choose to make out with oprah or rosie odonell who would it be and why?


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