Sunday Favorites
I have a lot to blog about.... so this post is going to be extra long. I encourage you to keep on reading!
First, I need to announce the winner of the pumpkin carving contest via the internet! My dear blogging friends picked Fratello's pumpkin as your most liked pumpkin. Which is weird, because I would have thought you would have picked the big pumpkin eating the little pumpkin. That one, was my personal favorite. My pumpkin was pumpkin number 6 I believe. It was hand-crafted. We are having another pumpkin carving contest tomorrow night at FHE and I am totally excited to go and strut my stuff. :D Or should I say carve my stuff. So here is a picture of the winner, with his pumpkin. The back of it said EAT ME! Get it? Because it's a pumpkin!! Haha sooo funny!
As most all of you know today is Sunday, my favorite day of the week. It's G-Friends favorite day of the week too. He told me so tonight, and when he said that I pulled a Nacho Libre on him! Remember this part of Nacho Libre?
Sister Encarnacion: Well, my favorite color is light tan. My favorite animal is puppies. I like serving the Lord. Hiking, playing volleyball...
Nacho: You gotta be kidding me. Everything you just said, is MY favorite thing to do, EVERY DAY!
It was priceless.
So since today is my most favorite day I thought I would share with you some of my thoughts, my inspirations, if you will. Once a month in Relief Society the young women come in and do opening exercises with us and that is when we get to trigger our memories and say the Young Women's theme. I forgot how much I loved doing that, since I haven't been to this Relief Society in about a year. It was so refreshing to say it, but it was also different. I forgot all about the new value, VIRTUE. So I am humming along, Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Choice and Accountability, Good Works,
Another thing I was thinking about today was about my future husband. Could this be because I am a girl, who dreams of him and wishes that he was here next to me ALL THE TIME? Yes, it could be that, or it could just be because I'm naive. (I'm pretty sure it is the first though.) A while ago, CJane posted this song on her blog for people to go and listen to... CLICK HERE . I fell in love. Wanna know why? Well you will have to listen to it, then read on.. ;D Because my husband and I will sing this to our children, or just play it on a CD for them, because we have horrible voices. My husband will be the greatest guy out there, he will be honest and loving. He will not settle, and will make SURE that our family is sealed in the temple, from the beginning. Nothing will get in the way of us being an eternal family from the beginning. He will love his family with everything he has and will show his love often. Another thing that he will be is, courageous, during times of trail when people seek to destroy the family we made (because they will, adversity in all things) he will hold strong and the power of the priesthood will guide, us and him through. I can't wait to meet this man. He is going to be so awesome! Plus he will totally think I am awesome, which makes for a great day, almost everyday.
Going along with that topic... I'm going to get married in the temple one day. It's going to be great.
My bishop called me to his office today, I thought I was going to get a calling. Then I didn't and it sucked. I really would like to get a calling in Primary or Young Women's or even Sunday School! I think that would be awesome. You know how people run away from callings and talks? Those are my two favorite things. It kind of sucks though, because I have never had a calling, and I have switched wards 3 different times and I have never given a talk except for twice when I was in High School. Yeah, even when I got to my ward in Logan I was like an invisible girl. Everyone else gave talks, had callings, or sang in church and all I did was watch while they drugged on HATING having to do it. I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs, "WHAT ABOUT ME!?!?!" I still do. I really don't like being forgotten or pushed aside. I think everyone in church deserves a calling, or something every once in a while.
Yeah, that's about all that is on my mind. It's a lot, I know, but it's all rather interesting I think! Don't forget to watch my video below this!! It's awesome!
I am pretty sure you are the only person that has ever said that they like to speak in church or that they want to speak in church. You are very spirtual so I can kinda see why you want to.