Ow, That Was My Back!!
Unlike most bloggers, I don't take the weekend off. You would be surprised at how many regular bloggers do. I understand it's a commitment to blog, and that weekends are supposed to be fun, but isn't blogging fun for you? I love it. It gives me the freedom to write whatever I please and to make my point of view, a little bit more exsistent in the world!! So, lucky for you who read, I blog whenever I feel like it. My google reader is so sparse on the weekend it kills me, so I hope I am putting a little bit of fun into your weekend! ;D
I have ten minutes until I can close up this little candle shop and head out the door to buy my brother in-law KJ's gift. Oh, and bytheway today is his BIRTHDAY. I'm not sure how old he is, but I think that he is awesome, and he is a great husband to my sister and an AWESOME dad to my little guy Bubba. Anyways I wanted to post a little something about my weekend so far.
Yesterday was Friday of course and after I got off work I went to the Brand New concert. If you haven't heard them, listen to them. We got there in time to also see Manchester Orchestra which is one of my very favorite bands! The only thing that was wrong was, my back and my hip! I feel like such an old lady saying this but half way through Manchester Orchestra's set I was feeling the pain. Then when Brand New came on, I had to lean against the railing and try to block out the pain in my back and feet from standing up so I could enjoy the show! It was a great performance, I just think that I am getting too old for this stuff. It was too dangerous to go into the crowd because they were moshing and such. Yeah, I'm going to face it.. I'm getting old! haha We walked out of the House of Blues and I was aching all over! Ash was right when she said she felt like the tin man! I swear my hip was creaking as I walked! haha
Well, I'm off to close! Tonight is the Haunted Corn Maze in Moapa Valley! I can't wait to get the crap scared out of myself! Let's hope I don't get lost, or hyperventalate! (spelling)
Have a good Saturday! :D
I have ten minutes until I can close up this little candle shop and head out the door to buy my brother in-law KJ's gift. Oh, and bytheway today is his BIRTHDAY. I'm not sure how old he is, but I think that he is awesome, and he is a great husband to my sister and an AWESOME dad to my little guy Bubba. Anyways I wanted to post a little something about my weekend so far.
Yesterday was Friday of course and after I got off work I went to the Brand New concert. If you haven't heard them, listen to them. We got there in time to also see Manchester Orchestra which is one of my very favorite bands! The only thing that was wrong was, my back and my hip! I feel like such an old lady saying this but half way through Manchester Orchestra's set I was feeling the pain. Then when Brand New came on, I had to lean against the railing and try to block out the pain in my back and feet from standing up so I could enjoy the show! It was a great performance, I just think that I am getting too old for this stuff. It was too dangerous to go into the crowd because they were moshing and such. Yeah, I'm going to face it.. I'm getting old! haha We walked out of the House of Blues and I was aching all over! Ash was right when she said she felt like the tin man! I swear my hip was creaking as I walked! haha
Well, I'm off to close! Tonight is the Haunted Corn Maze in Moapa Valley! I can't wait to get the crap scared out of myself! Let's hope I don't get lost, or hyperventalate! (spelling)
Have a good Saturday! :D
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