Happy Birthday Jodo!

So yesterday was my darling sister's birthday. She is such a doll! Really though, nicest girl you will ever meet. Okay, Okay she can be a little fiesty, but in truth, that's what I like about her. Since I think she is sooo awesome and it was her birthday I am going to tell you why she is so cool. Well, 23 reasons why she is so cool because that is how old she happens to be! Are you ready? I am! Here we go!!

Jordan Lee

1. She is my sister, which makes her automatically cool.
2. Her hair has red highlights in it, which are awesome, and hardcore.
3. She is the best Aunt a little boy could ask for.
4. She is an awesome wife too!
5. She says things like "Kick Ass" and "Sicknast", which make her tough but loveable.. haha
6. She tells you the truth always, and never lies.
7. She has really good taste in decoration
8. She makes AWESOME cards and stuff, she is a pro!
9. She is very tough when it comes to her health, she holds out like a hero and never backs down, I love her for that.
10. She is a really good friend and will just listen to you complain and whine, even when it gets annoying.
11. No other dog gets treated as well as her little Daizy Du.
12. Volcom never looked so good.
13. She is a really really good baker. Like, try her cookies, you might die. Because they are THAT good.
14. She listens to really good music and shares it with her friends.
15. She is a MAC owner. DUH!
16. She actually missed me when I was gone in Utah, that's like a BIG shocker.
17. When we were growing up, she teased me a lot which made me tough.
18. She has really good ideas for creative stuff, or parties.
19. She is a great person, and is truly genuine!
20. No one ever says anything bad about her, because there is nothing bad to say!
21. The fact that she has turned from total tom-boy to a goddess is INTENSE! ;D
22. Even when she gets mad at me or annoyed with me, she doesn't yell or scream, because she has a pretty good temper.
23. Most of all, she is amazing because she always puts forth sooo much effort in everything. She isn't going to stop or let something complicate things. There is nothing she can't do. She is an awesome person and will one day pass that on to her kids. I love her and I hope she has an AWESOME rest of her birthday week!

YAY FOR JORDAN!!! Why do you guys love my sister? If you don't read her blog already you should, so go check it out and leave a comment or two! :D


  1. Thanks for the birthday post! You are bomb! I didn't really think you where going to make it all the way to number 23. Thanks for the post and the present you are the best little sister ever!

  2. Nice post....and all very true. I feel very blessed to have her (and you) in my life!


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