Excuse Me, Can I Talk To You For A Minute...
I am about to leave for Danielle's Sister's Tennis game and I was just thinking about some old times I've had, out of high school, attending high school sports. Well, just one time in particular. I don't want to sound cocky, or full of myself or anything, but this is a REALLY good memory.
I went with Mitch to his brother Garrett's soccer game over at Cheyenne High School. They were playing Cimmaron and it was the JV team. When the game was over, I think Chey-Town won, we went our separate ways to our cars. I remember being kind of in a tuff because I parked out in the front not in the back, so I had to walk by myself. I was in the midst of about 20 Cimmaron soccer players who were all talking crap about each other, and the other team. I thought to myself... these boys are crazy. Head down and with great determination I made my way to my car, until... I heard a mid-growth-spurt latino boy screaming "HEY! HEY!" I turned around and he was about 20 feet from me. He said.. and I quote. " Excuse me, I'm sorry, but do you go here?" I looked at him, kind of puzzled and told him I was graduated. "Oh, well I just wanted to let you know, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." My jaw dropped and I muttered a thank you and he ran quickly back to his bus.
I will never forget that. No matter how young and naive that boy was, he had balls. Coming up to a complete stranger like that. To tell them they were beautiful. Thank you boy from Cimmaron, you will forever hold a tiny space in my heart. I went over to Mitchell's that night with a smile on my face and braggingly told the story, not because I was like OOO I am HAWT but because, it made me happy.
Good Times.. Good Times...
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