Come on in, the Water's Great

There are some people in this world I will just never understand. That really irks me. I mean, why can't people make up their minds? I probably shouldn't talk, I'm as indecisive as they come. The thing is though, that there are people out there that carry around their final decision until it is smacked out of them. Sometimes I wonder if it is because they are too flighty to realize they are holding precious knowledge, or if they really want to make everyone crap their pants. Maybe that was an exaggeration, it isn't that bad. It's just that, I want to keep going I want to move on, but every time I try to I turn around and ohp!, there they are again making me change my mind.

Not everyone goes through this stage. I'm pretty sure I passed it. In high school if I decided against something then I dropped the act and moved on. I knew a lot of people who would say they made up their mind then sit and pine for a month or two. When I said no, or never mind, I meant it. When someone else told me no, or never mind, I was out of there faster then you could burp your ABCs.

Relationships are meant to be hard. They are meant to test you and break you in for the future. Running around not getting involved is just going to make it that much harder. I'm not saying to jump in head first and then figure out how deep the pool was. Your going to have to jump at one point so you might as well practice now. Who cares if your knee deep in a kiddie pool, at least you know you can get out. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if people just said yes or no, just jumped or didn't things would be more clear. Then again, I'm sure that is part of the obstacle too.

Maybe all this post is doing, is showing how darn impatient I am.


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