Do You Realize?

A Quote From Little Women
Beth: If God wants me with Him, there is none who will stop Him. I don't mind. I was never like the rest of you... making plans about the great things I'd do. I never saw myself as anything much. Not a great writer like you.
Jo: Beth, I'm not a great writer.
Beth: But you will be. Oh, Jo, I've missed you so. Why does everyone want to go away? I love being home. But I don't like being left behind. Now I am the one going ahead. I am not afraid. I can be brave like you.

Bravery. What is the difference between being brave for yourself, and brave for others? I often find myself wondering this. Some people are brave in a way that they can do whatever they want. They are great writers, singers, artists, or athletes. They are always doing their best and looking forward to the future. Declaring their plans and their dreams to all that will hear. Then there are those who are brave for others, who are humble and quiet, who live to love others, and are not focused on outward talents, but inward ones. The kind you can only understand emotionally, the gift of humility and gratitude, constant love, and service.

I love this conversation between Jo and Beth. Mainly I love the show of Beth's character, how she feels about life. Beth loved her life, loved being where she was, loved to love. She didn't understand why people had to go so far away, when there was so much unseen yet obvious beauty where she was. Like everyone in life, she hated being left behind. As she forged ahead she understood that she would be, for the first time, the one moving on. Even in that moment she tells Jo that she "Will be homesick" for her. If that is not proof of endless and eternal love I'm not sure what is.

We all do great things in this life, whether that be big and extravagant things or small and inspiring things, we are making a mark in this life. Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another - George Eliot. Never forget how big of an impact you put on people's lives, remember who you are and why you are here. Always take care of yourself and your love for others. Even though you might think you are "anything much" you are, you impact others in ways you can't even imagine.


  1. Oh my gosh! i love this book/movie. So great. i can picture that discussion while beth is ill on her bed and jo is on her side.

  2. Oh i love that you wrote about this! I loved this part in the book...and i even teared up..i can imagine it must have been such a tender moment.
    Thanks for posting about it...its so true. We do impact others and we probably do not realize it at all.

  3. I LOVE Little Women.
    Especially Beth, I've always identified more with Jo, but admired and aspired to be like Beth.
    This was beautifully written Ms. Lou.


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