I will name him Pahko
This little gem of a kitten showed up outside my house today. The cliche was, it was stuck in a tree. Poor little kitten. I am NOT a cat lover for those of you who know me, but for some reason this little spawn of the devil is pulling at my heart strings. Now, the girl that found him said she would be back around 2 to pick him up and find him a home. I'm not sure if I want her to come back. It is has only been a half an hour and I am loving him more and more. I named him for goodness sakes. Oh and you pronounce it how it is spelt. Pah-ko.
I don't have a litter box, I am worried it is going to poo all over the place. I don't want to let it outside, for fear he will run away. Hmm well, whatever I do to fix that situation I am glad this little creature is here! Even if he is mischievous and a cat.
Ew I hate cats. Gross. Sorry.