What do you do when you live in a small town? You really need some adventure, and you can't go to bed before 12 because your sleeping pattern is horrendous? 

Good Question! You drive your car down past campus to first dam and take a swim. Doesn't sound adventurous? Well, try doing it at 11:30 at night, on a cold night- approximately 52 Degrees outside- and when you aren't exactly sure how deep the dam is. Well, it's a good thing you had a group of boys with you. Because if you didn't you would have to find out yourself. I was so thankful for my friend Kevin who jumped in before us. He is a big guy, and he didn't even touch the bottom! We knew it would be, semi-safe! 

Before the jump.. That is my scared face in case you were wondering...

In the water! :D Yay for actually doing it!

This is us climbing out of the water.. HOLY CRAP it was cold.

But, in the end it was worth it! :D
The water was unbelievably cold and the current was moving pretty fast so this was definitely an adventure to the MAX. It was weird to step outside because the air felt so warm! But it was really, like 50 degrees outside! I loved doing this and I would do it again and again!

Love, Peace & Hair Grease
Shelby Lou


  1. Good for you girl!
    Yay for stupid boys!

  2. These are the kind of memories that are the most fun to recall!

  3. Ok the photo booth in Provo at the K Mart NEVER works...this made me RE mad

  4. you are nuts! But that looks like fun!


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