Bridesmaid Business & The Landlords Daughter
You choose, I deliver. I am happy to! Goodness, it feels so good to be blogging in my own home right now! You have NO idea.

I love my roommates, they make me smile, they make me laugh, and they keep me involved. They even make me happy when I am sad. Like yesterday, yesterday was not only a horrible day because of the fact that everywhere I went said NO we aren't hiring. It was also a big day in the life of my dear friend. BUT this post isn't about Frank... so I'm moving on... They made me HAPPY when I was incredibly SAD. So I have two roommates in case you didn't know.. Jane and Erin. Jane is awesome, Erin is amazing. Erin... is getting married soon! (Well she needs to get engaged first but she has a wedding dress and a temple date and blah blah... long story.) Over memorial day weekend she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids!!!!!! I am so excited. I know it has only been two weeks, but seriously... she is amazing. I have a feeling we are going to be BEST FRIENDS. All three of us! So, I will be a bridesmaid!!! Isn't that awesome??
The second part of this post has to do with The Landlords Daughter. The girl is bipolar. So our driveway is small. If you have two cars parked in the garage the car parked in the driveway has to be over so that they can pull out. I had my car parked partly on the grass so that Jane could get out of the garage. By partly, I mean... my right front tire was on the grass. We left to go to the movies and we come back and there is a hate note on my car, or at least thats what it seemed like. You read it, and tell me what you think.
I know it is sideways, but I am macbook challenged. haha You can still read it though!
She was there because she was supposed to mow our grass, but she only mowed HALF of it because there was a tire on it. It was ridiculous. Seriously, we were all pissed. Then Jane called Catherine, our landlord and asked her where the lawn mower was so that we could do it ourselves. haha
SECOND THING. We had this huge bush in front of our house. GINORMOUS. Seriously, it was dead, collected trash, and covered nearly half of our lawn. So when we were gardening the other day.. we pulled it out. Then there was a HUGE hole in the middle of the grass where it used to be. That night this happened...
Ok so in the above picture is the before... You can't see the entire bush. That is just the corner.. but TRUST me.
After we laid down sod...
Crazy Landlords Daughter (CLD): BANG BANG BANG BANG (knocking loudly on our screen door)
Jane & Me: What the crap is that?
Jane: It's the landlords daughter!
Jane & Me: Hi!!!
Jane: Oh yeah we ripped out the bush, it was dead...
(we didn't have permission, but just look at the before and afters)
Me: Well we plan on laying down sod tomorrow.
CLD: Oh? Really, that will look really nice.
Jane: *puzzled* Yeah, its going to look much better.
CLD: That's too bad though, that bush was beautiful.
Me: It was dead...
Jane: It collected trash.
Me: It was dead...
CLD: Well, laying down sod will look really nice! Have a nice night!!!
Seriously... she was a freaking bipolar lady. She was full fledged YELLING at us in the beginning then when we explained she was like a little kitten. The girl is wack, and she was just covering up her steps because she KNEW the bush was ugly. It was the bush from Hell and it looked horrible in our front yard. I swear if she comes by again, knocking on our door like that.. I will hold no prisoners.
Congrats on being a bridesmaids!! I felt the same way when I met my good friends. I knew within a couple weeks.
ReplyDeleteThe CLD....ummm totally bipolar. Wonder if she takes meds? hmm.....
The yard looks beautiful! Good job girls.
What a freak!
ReplyDeleteThe CLD, not you.
ReplyDeleteOK that house looks WAY better.
ReplyDeleteand crazy landlords...well you better get used to it.
drama, lol. completely bipolar, its a good thing you slipped in that "well, we're laying sod" bit cause she might have taken your head off
ReplyDeleteha that lady sounds nuts! The front yard looks so much better without that bush! You and jane sound like you are having a blast together! I am glad that you are having fun! Miss you mean it!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA!!! Gotta love crazy bipolar Utahns!!! I could have had fun with that too.
ReplyDeleteLOL!! LOL!! LOL!! I loved your psycho CLD story!!!!