Whats Happenin Wednesdays
Last week I did a post on Studying Abroad, I deleted it. But I have decided to go along with my idea and make Wednesdays our day to discuss and get our opinions layed out. So, welcome to What Happenin Wednesdays! I am going to post about a topic and then I want to have a discussion in the comments. Discussion can go on past Wednesday or even until next week. I will be commenting and discussing the topic with you in the comments so look for a reply to your opinion on the topic! Ready... Set.... GO!
So we all know about going green and how it has become a big topic in the world now-a-days. It is insane! You always hear about green alternatives, saving the planet, recycling, and making things GREEN. No, they don't mean painting everything green, they want to change the way (most of us) have lived for years! I took myself to the website The Daily Green to find more information on this worldwide sensation. I came across an article called; Top 10 Idiot-proof Eco-tips.
- Stop Idling
- Turn off your Computer
- Sign Up for Green Energy
- Turn Down the Thermostat
- Wash your Laundry in Cold Water
- Pay Bills Online
- Jettison Junk Mail
- Print on Two Sides
- Carpool It!
- Choose Hormone-Free Milk
Do you think that going green is going to cost?
Is it a pain in the butt, or a weight off the shoulders?
Recycling? YAY or NAY?
What kind of Milk do you drink? Do you know the harmful substances that are in some milks? (I'm a soy milk drinker... so I wouldn't know. BUT Organic Strawberry Milk is HEAVENLY)
Are you doing your part to GO GREEN?
Are you prepared to turn your car off at the bank window??
Yay to recycling!
ReplyDeleteI can't always use cold water. Warm water is better on those stuborn stains.
Programable Thermostats Rock!
We pay 90% of bills online.
I will try to turn my car off the next time I'm at the bank drive thru. (once summer hits, sorry dude not gonna happen. I need my A/C)
We drink whole milk right now because thats what Carter needs.
So what do you think? Am I GREEN?
The worlds going to hell anyways...what's the big idea anyways???
ReplyDeletehaha totally joking!
i think you are doing a pretty good job em. you are the only person i know that recycles really. i wish mom would recycle but i know it costs more.
ReplyDeletenatalie- you make me laugh. seriously.
i don't know what the big deal is though. why NOW. why not fifty years ago. its like the pride cycle all over again. if we would have just done what was right to begin with... we would be ok now. i guess its good that we are doing something!
I really love your blog...i saw it from a comment you just left on Meg's over at Wily Brunette...
ReplyDeleteYou are too cute!
1. Really turn off your car at the bank for 2 minutes and then turn it back on? That is gay and it will probably waste more gas because you are turning on your car so freaking much!
ReplyDelete2. I always turn off my computer I just think that is what you are suppose to do when you are done with something. You don't leave the radio on to go watch tv do you?
3. What the H is green energy?
4. What if at this moment your thermostat is off?
5. I wash all my clothes in cold water because I hate shrinkage! The only thing I wash in hot is Ross's work clothes because the grease comes out better in HOT water!
6. I pay all my bills on line, before I shut my computer off.
7. Never even heard of Jettison Junk mail.
8. Print on 2 sides. Kinda gay and kinda hard to figure out. By the time I finally figured out how to do it right the first time I probably would use an entire reem of paper.
9. I like to carpool it is fun then you can sing really loud and take the carpool lane on the 95!!
10. To me milk is milk! You may say that soy stuff is better for you but the way I look at it I have been drinking good old 2% for a while now and I have not sproted anything weird from my head.
Going green costs big time look at how much those freaking light bulbs cost!
Pain in the butt!
I barley get the trash out once a week I would never remember the recycle bins too.
my sister is awesome. basically thats how i think of most if it. by the time i figure out all this green stuff i will have killed the amazon. srsly.
ReplyDeletebut i do think soy milk is better for you. because the hormones in regular milk can cause different types of stuff. that just don't make you healthy.
i would love to recycle tho. then again i am pretty lazy.
thats what you would think... about the car thing.. but if you go to thedailygreen.com and look up idling. it gives you a whole description.