MY LIFE- The Past Month

So, for the past month or so I have had a different life. WELL not necissarly DIFFERENT. I just have had a lot more people in it. I have been hanging out with Kaity and loving every minute of it. So here is, yet again another picture post! LOVE IT!

Greg and Kaity. After Kaity kicked his butt bowling. ALRIGHT Greg did win overall (both games) but Kaity won the second game.
Kaity and I... Me showing my grill. Because I am awesome!

My best "Nancy Face" just tweeked a bit. haha It's all for you NANCY! and Kaity's face, which you will see in some of the other pictures!

A different version of the picture from the last few I showed. I like this one better. :D

Kaity and I... not matching on purpose.. and getting stabbed with a chopstick by Derick.

The whole gang. We went to sushi and it was delish. This is our "Crazy Picture" I guess crazy means kill people with chopsticks. I think I am the only really worried one here. From left to right... Jameson, Derick, Kaity, MUAH, Greg, and Ela.

This is our.. WE ARE SO HAPPY to eat sushi picture. I like this one MUCH BETTER.

Kaity and I at a bonfire. :D

Kaity and I. Then a little bit of Greg. He HAD to get in the picture...

After Kaity and I lost by like 5. It was sad, and the boys are trying to be TUFF. Whatever.

I can't tell you how excited we were to eat Ghirardelli... so here is our excitement in facial expressions. haha

Kaity and her banana split. Classic.

Me and my butterscotch something or other... it was delish.

Kaity and I waiting for everyone at the Sunset Station Movie Theatres. We were about to see Taken and we where the only two in the theatre!

You can kind of see me in the middle seat of the theatre. We were the only people there!! Crazy.. I know!


  1. I love that you are having so much fun! That ice cream thing you are eating looks...amazing!

  2. I think it is about time that I meet Kaity.


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