
I'm not quite sure how to tell you this, so I'm just going to come right out and say it. My butt looks good in those pants.

Those are my new Yoga Pants. For rizzle. I am also wearing my cool new yoga shirt, which is bright green. Kind of like my Yoga Mat, except for my Yoga Mat is a lighter green with the tree of life on it.

So, despite your thoughts and assumptions I am not a pro yoga person. I love it, seriously LOVE. Yoga and I are together forever and loving every minute of it. The only sad thing is that I take Yoga at the Y. So, my Yoga class isn't neccisarly the best. I'm not bashing on the Y really. Today was just one of those days. I am a beginner at Yoga and it is kind of tuff to do it. I really am not that flexible, and I don't know all the movements so I am always looking at the intrusctor. Last week I went to my Yoga class on Thursday night and it was a sub in teacher who normally teaches in the mornings. This teacher was amazing, she was calm, moved slow enough, explained to us that it is our own movements and we don't have to go as far as her, unless we are comfortable. Not only that, but she explained what movements were which so by the end of the class you knew which move to make. IT WAS THE BEST CLASS EVER.

Today, I had a different teacher. She moved so fast, shouted out the commands, and the music has words. Not, really my prefrence. I was out of it all night. Not moving at the right times, not breathing at the right times. Then she never told us that we could move on our own or where our necks should be, she just PLOWED right through it all. It was insane. Karmasutra-upward dog- downward dog- right leg up- warrior one. She was going SO FAST. I was half way through upward dog when she was at warrior one. Not to mention, I will never wear a pony tail to Yoga again, it sucks when you are laying down and cant keep your chin up.

So basically this post was me telling you all about how crazy yoga is. Sympathize with me alright. KTHANKS. Below this is an awesome video that Alix and I made the other night when we decided to dip things in chocolate. YUM. Yes, that is my voice, and yes the script is from SHREK. So ENJOY!


  1. I saw your mini-spotlight on ratalienoses blog, and read through some of your posts here. I like you. I like the way you talk and think, you seem like a kindred spirit, and I love finding those...

    I am going to add you to my "following list"... I hope you don't mind.

    feel free to read my blog(s). The one I update most frequently is *Molly*

  2. "You're a monster!!" I ♥ that scene on Shrek. Gingi is awesome.

    Um, yes, your butt is totally cute. I suck at yoga and my butt is not cute.

    You're in Vegas? My brother served his mission there. Hmmm.... And I eloped there. :)

  3. I had a one month stint with Bikram yoga. It was amazing, but driving an hour to class was the killer of that little hobbie.


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