What the people want, the people get!

Ok so, I am kind of floored by some of the question you all asked. BUT HEY. I said I would answer all of them, so I am here to do just that. I hope you guys think this is entertaining, because I am seriously having a blast. haha It was so much fun answering the questions. This is the kind of stuff that makes my day seriously. Now, to for worn you, if you haven't been reading (which if you remember, is a SIN) then I am answering questions. Some of the questions are quite explict so, if you have a conservative mind. BEWARE. haha (its not THAT bad)
How many boyfriends have you had?
Let's see, I have had... THREE boyfriends.(not counting elementary and middle school) I count a boyfriend as someone who was known as my boyfriend. In other words, my facebook or myspace status did not say SINGLE when I was "dating" them.
How many boys have you kissed?
Let me first explain, I have no regrets. I am a risk taker in relationships and beyond so don't judge. I have kissed a total of NINE boys. I'm going to give you names so you don't think I'm crazy or lying. Jordan (not my sister ew gross nast) Cameron, Brandon, Ethan, Jace, Stirling, John, Cody, and Mitch. WOW variety!!! *** I'm givin the details because COME ON! That's what you wanted right?!***
Jordan Asked...
Do you still secretly pick your nose?
I would have to say YES on this one, because who doesn't? Unlike you Jordan, I don't do it in public though. Oh and it's not like I do it that often either. That's the truth.
Who's blog can you most relate to that you don't know in real life?
I feel like, I can relate to everyone I reads blog in some way. There are such great characters out there in the blogging world. I have yet to find someone that I read their blog and constantly and consistently nod my head and say yes, yes and HELLS YEAH! I really think that I am so DIFFERENT. I don't want to sound self-righteous (or whatever) but I feel like I can't relate to many people. A lot of people make me laugh and make me think about things differently, my current blog obession is probably The Wild and Wily Ways of a Brunette Bombshell seriously check her out. She is AMAZING.
Nancy Face Asked...
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend?
Techincally I was in 5th grade. We got married under the two trees at lunch. But if you really want to get down to it. I was in 6th Grade and his name was Matthew. We held hands to every class. Then, the first boyfriend I had that actually took me on dates, or walks through a park, was my Freshmen Year of high school. His name was Cameron. He is currently in AFRICA on his mission! Crazy.
Kacey Asked...
Why do you want to live in Logan so badly?
I want to live in Logan because I love the feel there. It feels like home, even though I have never lived anywhere besides Las Vegas.
What are you hoping to have up there that isn't in Vegas?
I am hoping to have life experiences. You would think, that I would have more life experiences living in Vegas but, those ended after high school. I come from a diverse backround (my sister is laughing right now, but it's true.) that makes me unique. Utah is a sheltered place, but it is also a place of intense experience. Last night I was told that I was "jumping on the bandwagon". I guess, in a way, I am. I want the experience but I want to be safe. I just hope that I will gain a respect for my parents, what they do for me, and for myself. My values wont change when I am living on my own, but they will be shaken.
Do you have issues using the bathroom in public?
Seriously, I could care less. I mean those people are only going to see you for maybe a minute tops when you get out of the bathroom. I like to think that some people go home and tell their friends and family about the stupid things I do. Like the time on the cruise ship in alaska when I dropped my phone in the toilet and screamed. It scared everyone in the bathroom,but it was humorus. I feel bad for people who have to take MASSIVE dumps in a public bathroom, it's harder when it's not your own. (haha) Oh and I have this thing, where I will NEVER use the handicap bathroom because I worry that someone that acutally needs to use it will come in, and I will have taken that away from them. Is that weird?
JustRandi Asked...
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
If I could travel anywhere in the world I would go to Greece. It is beautiful there, in all of the pictures I have seen it doesn't lack in color or grace. I would love to go there on my honeymoon. PLUS I love greek food.
Tori Asked...
How much did you weigh when you were born?
I called my mom and she told me that I weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounces. I guess I was a pretty tiny baby.
What's your fave song on the radio right this minute?
I don't really listen to the radio, but if I had to choose I would probably pick, She's Country by Jason Aldean. I have a secret desire to be a cowgirl for a week. You know, with the thick southern drawl, and the awesome cowgirl boots. I just think that after a week I would be kind of sick of it.
Did you (do you) like The Crocodile Hunter?
The Crocodile Hunter was an awesome man. He had the BEST accent, and he could wrestle crocodiles! Who doesn't love him? I mean, it was so sad when he died, when I heard I was like OH NO! He got eaten by a crocodile!!! Then I heard he was killed by a sting ray and I was like, bizzaro death. Honestly, he could have gone out so much better then that. I love his daughter, she was BEYOND cute. So adorable. His wife reminded me of Uncle Jesse's wife on Full House what was her name? BECKY Aunt Becky. SO CUTE!
What kind of deodorant do you use?
I use the good kind. haha I use dove, CLINICAL STRENGTH deodorant. I really don't sweat that bad, but I take every extra meausre there is possible. ;)
RatalieNose Asked...
How old were you when you got your first kiss?
I kissed a boy on the cheek in second grade. I also kissed a guy in 5th grade, my boyfriend. We got married. But my first real kiss was when I was 15. IT WAS AWESOME! haha Seriously let me set the scene for you. Middle of the street, about 3 in the afternoon the sun was out, but it was RAINING. Yes, you heard me ladies RAINING and SUN! Same time. From that day on, it has been my favorite type of weather. Sun and Rain at the same time.
How old were you when you first got your period?
This question I have been thinking about in my mind since I read it, yesterday. I really honestly cannot remember. Is that sad? It wasn't that big of a deal to me. Like, I knew it was coming, from 5th grade health class, but it wasn't a shock or anything. It wasn't an embarrasing moment either. So, sorry no good juice on that one!
What size bra do you wear?
I am pretty sure I wear a size 34B, but I could be way off. I really don't know, I just try on whatever my mom or the people at victoria secret tell me to. I don't have big boobs. Not like you RatalieNose, haha I am flat chested as they come!
Zach Efron or Troy Bolton?
I choose Troy Bolton. I think right now, it is mainly because I just watched High School Musical yesterday. He is better then Zach Efron by far. I mean, he is a basketball player, and he can sing in the musical. Now if we could get gabriella out of the picture. Oh and he is SERIOUSLY HAWT when he sings Scream in HSM3. HOLY, wow think I just almost fainted.
Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson?
Rob, by far. I mean... yeah. What kind of question is this?! Rob is hawt on like 80 different levels. Compared to Taylor. But Rob isn't the hottest man alive. I prefer Edward over Rob, because he is a million times cuter as a vampire. The hottest man alive is Adam Brody... So yeah. :D
Boxers or briefs?
Briefs. Boxers are loose and weird, and I just don't know. I mean, not that I have a man to look at and decide off of. I just get all my opnions from the mens underwear section at target. I mean, look at their ABS! haha I pick briefs.
THANK YOU for making this so much fun you guys! I had an awesome time answering the questions and definetly will be doing this again!


  1. Wow. You full on answered all the questions. Impressive. I've kissed like 16 guys, but I've been out of commision for years, so... I can name them all to:
    Joey, Josh, Greg, Eric, Daniel, Jeremy A., MJ, Luke, George, Ben, Ziad, Oreo (nickname), Mike, Coquena (again, nickname), Noel, and my awesome Sei!! YAY!

    I also ♥ The Crocodile Hunter.

  2. The handicap stall thing....yes weird but very considerate. What a good little girl you are! I on the other hand am not technically disabled but do feel that way right now, so I use it all the time. I mean they couldn't have to pee worse than me, right?

  3. I totally forgot to ask a question!

  4. This was a great post!
    I agree with almost everything....
    Except for Rob Pattinson.....
    K, I"m sorrry but Taylor is WAAAAAAY HOTTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. "We got married under the two trees at lunch. " Awww :D

    Wait. I didn't know you live in Vegas! I used to live there and I can back you up: Get out of there, yeah.

    As I remember when I was 19 I could still name all the boyfriends I've had...but then it just got too long to memorize :P

  6. speaking of floored...I can't tell you how much this comment meant to me--I mean, really, really meant to me! Thank you so much. And I'm so glad you commented at all cuz now I get to check out this amazing blog of yours!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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