
list, 8 or more unusual things about yourself, your happenings, or just random thoughts. MINIMUM 8, there is no MAX. ENJOY

1.I brush my teeth when I am bored.
2.I steal ideas from other people's blogs.
3. The above comment makes me a theif.
4. Some days, I just don't answer my phone or text messages at all.
5. I love red lipstick, but always pick at my lips so it never stays on nice.
6. I have never used eye-liner for more than 3 days. I always switch back to eyeshadow with my angle brush.
7. I want to be hip and modern and dress cute everyday but I am too lazy.
8. I despise texting... I want to get rid of it, but it would get rid of me.
9. Plus, I use texting when I don't want to talk on the phone, which is more than half the time.
10. Some days, I put deoderant on more than once, not because I smell, but because I feel like it.
11. I want to be artsy, and craftsy, but I just don't have the skill.
12. I think I am changing my major again.
13. Journalism? Anthropology? History? Interior Design?
14. Sometimes, I am only happy when I am alone.
15. I want to do a giveaway on my blog but I don't know what to give away.
16. My favorite color is purple.
17. I have an OCD habit of having to have things in alphabetical order.
18. I want to have a custom blog backround but the lady I email never emails me back. Her blogs are amazing though. Remarks from Sparks.(on the side bar) then go to her site, knuckle AMAZING
19. I love the look of LAURENS house, but I also like Nie Nie's. If I could find a mad awesome balance between the two, you would have MY STYLE.
20. I want to go to Arizona and hike for days on end.
21. I want to go on a mission, but I don't know if I should.
22. I want to get fake nails again, but then I think I would rather not spend my money that I don't have on that. Then I look at my fingers and want to cry.
23. I think I might major in Spanish. What do you think?
24. I want so many things....
25. I want to have a mustache party, and decorate my backyard really awesome. Have a picture booth, and make everyone wear fake mustaches made out of paper, and play games like boggle and scrabble on tables in my backyard.
26. I want to go on a date with someone to an old folks home, to talk to older people. They have lived through so much and their stories are amazing.
27. I hope my dad likes his new laptop so I can have his old one.28. I will never not have spyware on my computer again.
29. I would like to get photoshop on my computer.
30. This is probably really boring for you...

REMEMBER to tell me what I should post about, like I asked in my post just a few hours ago. Thankyoumuch.

oh and I tag, anyone who wants to do this.

***edited at 2:28pm***
I found a place to live 500$ to live there from early May to late August. 60$ for utilites a month, PRIVATE ROOM. With a girl named JANE (my favorite name) AWESOME RIGHT?! I think I am going to Logan on Sunday night too.. AWESOME SAUCE.

******edited again at 3:35pm*******
I found this really funny video on THIS blog. I hope she doesn't mind that I just linked her on my blog, and I don't even know her... Sorry. ha

just go there until i get home and can fix it...


  1. sometimes it's such a challenge just being a woman. {sometimes -most times- I don't answer my phone :)}

  2. I say Anthropology! It seems like such a neat major. And let's face it, Interior Design is a really hard major. You have to do so much stuff to get accredited...and it is so expensive. *sigh*. Anyway...I love Nie's house too. I try to implement some of her style in my home I designer there is one thing I encourage everyone to do:

    CREATE your own style. Or you won't love it. That's why I like adding random stuff that doesn't really fit, into my home. It's all about being you!

  3. I think that that post was really cool. I liked it a lot. I think everyone wants a lot of stuff, you just have to decide what you need. Do you need all of that stuff or just want it? Figure out what you need and then go for it! I've said it more then once your a great kid and you will find your way, keep your chin up. LOVE YOU! MEAN IT! O and I don't know what you should blog about I don't even know what I'm going to blog about.

  4. i'm just glad you changed your fav color from brown and yellow to purple!!!

  5. not boring me at all! i found it very entertaining. #2 & #3 - it doesnt make you a thief (i do it too). aww, if you want to be crafty but dont know how one day ill take you to the scrapbook workshops i go to! they're step by step! see here:

    purple is the bomb! i also want to cry when i look at my nails...

  6. Shelby, you are way too cute! oh my goodness. haha, and when i was reading through the things about you, i was like.. oh my gosh, me too!.. oh my gosh me too again! lol

  7. If you have that party, i would come. Im not joking, I would dirve down and come.

  8. I feel like a mustache party would be the COOLEST thing ever. Also I think you are adorable!

  9. KnuckleHeaders calling.

    My sister sent me over here, said I was mentioned.

    Your emails must be going to junk or something, because I always respond to emails--how would I get business otherwise?

    Go with in case the KnuckleHeaders address is having issues.

    Thanks so much for the complement!

  10. Oh good Meg got back to you. I'm super good friends with her sister and might have sent her this link!

  11. I LOVED the video. Sooo sooo true. All of it! LOL!

    I brush my teeth a ton.

    I only like texting bc I don't like talking to people. I mean, I like talking to people but only when I feel like it.

    (((POKE))) I just poked you. haha


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