Today's feature is pretty young, but youth is great is it not? Today I interviewed my second cousion Morgan. Morgan is eight years old. He loves to ride his four wheeler and be a crazy boy. He talks a lot about his four wheeler so if you don't understand some of what he says, it's ok. NEITHER DO I! I love this kid with everything I have. I mean, I wake up for him at 6:45 every Tuesday and Friday morning so that he doesn't have to go to safe key. He is going to be a great boy when he grows up and hopefuly an awesome missionary. He loves his family and his dog Moab. So onto the interview!!!!
He first suggested that I interview the dogs, but then he rethought it because all they would say is BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK.

1.What is your favorite thing to do?
Ride ATVs, I like to jump and like jump it and through dirt at the camp.

1.What is your favorite thing to do?
Ride ATVs, I like to jump and like jump it and through dirt at the camp.
2.What kind of Bike do you ride?
Blaster 200 Two Stroke, its blue but I want to make it black.
Blaster 200 Two Stroke, its blue but I want to make it black.
3. Who's your favorite person in the whole entire world?
Doug Gust, he rides my dad's suziki.
Doug Gust, he rides my dad's suziki.
4. What do you think about Twilight?
I haven't seen the movie or nothin. I just know it comes out in seven days or six why's that?because my mom told me.
I haven't seen the movie or nothin. I just know it comes out in seven days or six why's that?because my mom told me.
5. If you could have any super power what would you have? Why?
I would have two. I would like to have invisible and go through walls. Like you can go through the wall and walk right through. Because I think it would be fun to go through walls, did I say super speed? invisible Yeah Invisible would be the best power cause no one could ever see you. Go through walls powers, you can go anywhere, and with your invisible power too.
I would have two. I would like to have invisible and go through walls. Like you can go through the wall and walk right through. Because I think it would be fun to go through walls, did I say super speed? invisible Yeah Invisible would be the best power cause no one could ever see you. Go through walls powers, you can go anywhere, and with your invisible power too.
6.What food do you like the least?
Carrots, I don't like them, because they don't even really have any flavor.
Carrots, I don't like them, because they don't even really have any flavor.
7. What food do you like the most?
Fettuccine, because I like it because it's like NOODLES. I went to this one place in Mesquite and they made the best fettuccine in your whole entire life.
Fettuccine, because I like it because it's like NOODLES. I went to this one place in Mesquite and they made the best fettuccine in your whole entire life.
8. Your Mormon, How's that workin' out for ya?
Good. I like to go to church, and I am learning a lot of things. Like going to the back of the book and knowing what page it is.
Good. I like to go to church, and I am learning a lot of things. Like going to the back of the book and knowing what page it is.
Morgan: Are you writing like a whole paragraph?
Me: Sometimes...
Morgan: Ok.
Me: Sometimes...
Morgan: Ok.
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Um.... What my dad does. Sell produce. Or be a professional motorcylce rider.
Um.... What my dad does. Sell produce. Or be a professional motorcylce rider.
10. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Minnesota, because I watched a movie before it's called Fall Out. It has great tracks for ATV's.
Minnesota, because I watched a movie before it's called Fall Out. It has great tracks for ATV's.
11. What was the best vacation you have ever taken?
For our birthdays, we got to go to the Bellagio in vegas.. and we went to go see the chocolate factory and we got to pick out one thing that we wanted to eat. Then we went to see the Tournament of Kings, and they were all fighting and stuff.
For our birthdays, we got to go to the Bellagio in vegas.. and we went to go see the chocolate factory and we got to pick out one thing that we wanted to eat. Then we went to see the Tournament of Kings, and they were all fighting and stuff.
12. What three things do you like the most?
My engine, a pair of wheels, and the third thing would probably be plastics. All for his bike.
My engine, a pair of wheels, and the third thing would probably be plastics. All for his bike.
13.Do you like school? Why?
Yes. My favorite subject would probably be math. And I have a great teacher, and if she didn't get ME she would quit.
Yes. My favorite subject would probably be math. And I have a great teacher, and if she didn't get ME she would quit.
14. What do you think of girls?
silence Shelby, I don't want that question please. I don't like girls. Why not??? ERASE THAT QUESTION NOW! I don't like em. What about your family, that are girls? I just treat them like, um, family. Just give them hugs, and we always do fun stuff.
silence Shelby, I don't want that question please. I don't like girls. Why not??? ERASE THAT QUESTION NOW! I don't like em. What about your family, that are girls? I just treat them like, um, family. Just give them hugs, and we always do fun stuff.
Describe yourself in ONE WORD

There isn't a link for this one, haha I'm not sure he knows how to type. I hope you liked today's feature! You still have an entire day to ask me ANY QUESTION you want on the post below this. So please ask away on that too. I will post the answers tomorrow! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!
HaHa! That kid is awesome!! You really did type that word for word huh?! He is such a good kid, it was good to get to see him this morning! And that last picture he really does look cool.
ReplyDeleteTHAT IS SO CUTE! i hope to see more young feature fridays in the future...i like how you wrote word for word how he said things. so funny!
ReplyDeleteThank heavens for little boys.
How old were you when you got your first kiss??
How old were you when you first got your period?
What size bra do you wear?
Zach Efron or Troy Bolton?
Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson?
Boxers or briefs?
He is a keeper
ReplyDeleteThought you might want to see this:
He is so cute.....Please tell Noel she is doing a great job.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute boy. And cool.
In about 7 years question will be but a werid memory for him ;)