Blah Ditty Blah Blah
So in case you were wondering... my life is pretty awesome. Well, sometimes. Yesterday was a not-so-good day. I had a moment when I really wanted to back out on going to Logan. Then I realized, HEY what would you do otherwise? So I am back to optimism, which is graciously in my favor today. I get my paycheck hopefully tomorrow which will last me the entire month. After which I am considering switching my bank. I have to do it anyways, but I am thinking about switching it to Ensign. Any complaints or compliments about that bank? Send them my way.
Remember when I said boys drive me crazy, or whatever I mentioned about them. Well that fact is still true. I think it is mainly because when I meet new people I want to be their friend so badly that I come off too strong. Do I come off too strong? Let's see.. I have met some really awesome people the past couple of weeks and have had a ton of fun!! If you are ever looking for something fun to do (and you have money) go bowling! The trick is, don't bowl with your dominant hand. I am right handed so I would bowl with my left. It makes for a much more interesting game, and the score isn't as high in the end so you don't feel like you got beat as badly.
Remember when I was told I was a Gossiper, in other words, that my nickname was GOMER. I guess that offically applies now. Whatever though, you read the story and tell me if my name should be Gomer. On saturday night I went to a bonfire up at the gravel pits. We pull up to where some of the cars are parked and waited while my friend Chase came down to lead us up to the spot. Chase pulls up and is like "Dude, epic fail *he said something else but I can't remember* I met these girls the other night and they told me they were 20 but they are still in high school! I got played man." Everyone in the car was like, dang that sucks. SO we get up to the spot and get out of the cars, turns out... I went to the rival high school of the girls that were there and I knew them all through different events. CRAZY!!! I was like, man your 17. I know I am only 18 but I have been deemed alright in the eyes of the singles ward. I was kind of wishing inside that I could have pulled off looking 20 at 17. I say my hellos to them and start to walk away. Chase pulls me aside along with three of his other guy friends and is like "Do you know them?!" I told him I did and he was like "which ones are still in high school?" I told him the three that were and he was like. "PHEW thanks man." (this is a long story...) I start talking to my friend Derick and he asks me which ones are the high school girls and I start to point them out and he goes "WAIT! Let me guess, they are the ones over in the corner playing paper rock siccors!" I had to say yes, because they were! I was so embarassed for them, and I barely know them. If any of them read this, I just want them to know.... this wasn't meant to be rude, but don't tell a 23 year old you are 20 when you are 17. EPIC FAIL LADIES! I know the boys in your grade a ridiculous and you don't want to deal, but graduate and THEN chase them...

I wish I had a funny story to tell. OH well, this is kind of sad. (sorry Noel) This morning I get a call from my cousin Chris saying, Morgan is outside can you let him in. I was like oh yeah sure. So I run to the garage door to let him in but being the impatient person I am sometimes I only opened the door halfway. Morgan thought the garage was still opening so when it aburptly stopped he smacked his head into the door. I didn't laugh at the moment, but I am laughing now. Oh jeez was that funny. (No he didn't get hurt.)

ReplyDeleteHOW DUMB DO YOU GET!!!!!!!
End of rant.