Oh for the Love of Nie Nie
Today I started to read Nie Nie's Dialogues from the beginning which was in September 2005, I think... So I am sitting at work marveling at this woman who has the greatest husband alive, awesome kids, and an awesome personal style. She is amazing. The woman dedicates her cooking to being organic, and vegetarian. With four kids a husband, and a larger then life family. She is spiritually in tune and she also does what everyone else does in the blogging world. Complains, and can be brutally (sometimes at the expense of others) honest. But she shows so much love and compassion it's insane. I wish I could have HALF the charisma and light that she has in her. I would be a genuinely awesome person then.
I would love to say I am not copying her, or having blog envy, but... I would being lying. (so much for being brutally honest eh?) Somethings are better left unsaid, and I suppose I should learn from that, and make bigger strides in different areas of my life.
We all know that I am going to be starting this AWESOME NEW GYM craze, and becoming awesomely buff and fit. I also am going to try my very very hardest at the next few things...
1. Becoming crafty, at something simple that leaves me open to new things and that doesn't cost too much money.
2. Cooking dinner once a week and learning how to make perfectly organic meals.
3. Try soy milk, maybe I will like it.
4. Write an amazing long list of all of the characteristics my husband will have, and remember that, even tho he hasn't come into my life yet, (that I know of) that I should pray for him every night. So that when that day comes ... he will know I love him.
5. Go vegetarian for a week. Then see how I like it...
6. Take my TV out of my room and learn to entertain myself some other way.
7. Less junk food and more food that is healthy for me. I want to be the best I can be, and keep my temple clean.
8. Something I already do but will make sure to keep doing in the future... Not watch rated-R movies, no matter how much I loved them ex. Pretty Woman.
9. Love children and feed their creativity.
10. Start traditions and keep them.
Other things are not listed here, but that doesn't mean I'm not trying.
Often, I find myself thinking, why have I changed so much? What single event in my life is molding me into the woman I so desperately strive to be? Then I have an epiphany and realize, it was that SINGLE defining moment that has changed me. I sincerely apologize for no longer being who I was, and I will always love the person. Because she got me through a lot of hard times, and let me have a ton of fun. But because I have changed so drastically, I don't think it would be fair to myself if I tried to hold on to those times. I only have one life. The choices I make now, will guide me through eternity, and even though I could have survived and gotten to the other side, I would not have been satisfied.
PICTURES... I think I missed a few days, this picture thing is hard, because I don't go out too much and my family isn't really a picture kind of family. So I have a lot of pictures of ME and just me. So I will only show the best. I lost count so they will just be posted below this!

Carter found the Toilet Paper while I was babysitting him sunday night.. yeah that is TP in his mouf
The alligator seriously just ATTACKED out of the blue.. I had no idea what to do....
I would love to say I am not copying her, or having blog envy, but... I would being lying. (so much for being brutally honest eh?) Somethings are better left unsaid, and I suppose I should learn from that, and make bigger strides in different areas of my life.
We all know that I am going to be starting this AWESOME NEW GYM craze, and becoming awesomely buff and fit. I also am going to try my very very hardest at the next few things...
1. Becoming crafty, at something simple that leaves me open to new things and that doesn't cost too much money.
2. Cooking dinner once a week and learning how to make perfectly organic meals.
3. Try soy milk, maybe I will like it.
4. Write an amazing long list of all of the characteristics my husband will have, and remember that, even tho he hasn't come into my life yet, (that I know of) that I should pray for him every night. So that when that day comes ... he will know I love him.
5. Go vegetarian for a week. Then see how I like it...
6. Take my TV out of my room and learn to entertain myself some other way.
7. Less junk food and more food that is healthy for me. I want to be the best I can be, and keep my temple clean.
8. Something I already do but will make sure to keep doing in the future... Not watch rated-R movies, no matter how much I loved them ex. Pretty Woman.
9. Love children and feed their creativity.
10. Start traditions and keep them.
Other things are not listed here, but that doesn't mean I'm not trying.
Often, I find myself thinking, why have I changed so much? What single event in my life is molding me into the woman I so desperately strive to be? Then I have an epiphany and realize, it was that SINGLE defining moment that has changed me. I sincerely apologize for no longer being who I was, and I will always love the person. Because she got me through a lot of hard times, and let me have a ton of fun. But because I have changed so drastically, I don't think it would be fair to myself if I tried to hold on to those times. I only have one life. The choices I make now, will guide me through eternity, and even though I could have survived and gotten to the other side, I would not have been satisfied.
PICTURES... I think I missed a few days, this picture thing is hard, because I don't go out too much and my family isn't really a picture kind of family. So I have a lot of pictures of ME and just me. So I will only show the best. I lost count so they will just be posted below this!

Carter found the Toilet Paper while I was babysitting him sunday night.. yeah that is TP in his mouf

The alligator seriously just ATTACKED out of the blue.. I had no idea what to do....
Remember when you were little and you thought that a quarter was a lot of money. So when you found one you made sure to put it in your pocket right away, because it was insanely amazing... Well my little second cousion Jake found a quarter in my car today and as soon as he found it he was like.. "Shelby? How much gold is this?" I looked at him through my review mirror and said, "It's not gold it's silver, and it is worth 25 cents" He looked disappointed. I told him to stick it in his pocket so he wouldn't loose it. Then he said... "What can you buy with 25 cents" I looked at Morgan and he changed the topic abruptly... saying "I know this song, it's from Mary Poppins! NEXT!!!" So I changed the song and got to thinking... How said it is that we can't buy much with 25 cents. It made me sad.. but then I was happy because I sold 25 items at work today.. YESSSS not bad for having only 5 coustomers... WHAT NOW?!?!
I love Nie.
ReplyDeleteTry VANILLA soy milk...you will love it! I only drink that stuff.
Yo Yo that is an insanley nasty picture of me! Thanks you rock! And keep with your goals they are good ones!!
ReplyDeleteGoals are good for you, but so is meat (in moderation)! So I don't vote for the vegatarian thing.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way your room does freakin rock!