Today's Feautre Friday is, you guessed it! All about Missionaries. I thought this would be a really cool thing to feature, seeing as I know so many almost missionaries, missionaries, and return missionaries. If you aren't a memeber of the church or have never heard of our church before you and read more about , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints here.
Today's Feautre Friday is, you guessed it! All about Missionaries. I thought this would be a really cool thing to feature, seeing as I know so many almost missionaries, missionaries, and return missionaries. If you aren't a memeber of the church or have never heard of our church before you and read more about , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints here.
I thought you should know before I started the interview(s) that I am a memeber of this church and I know that it is true. I believe in missionary work and I know that it is the lord's work.
So today we have a couple of different people that I have interviewed, this post is going to be long but interesting so PLEASE READ IT! :D The first set of people are two boys that I know who are preparing to go on missions, Kealian and Jesse. The second set is Nathan and Mitch who have gotten their calls and are wating to report to the Missionary Training Center (MTC). The Third person is Tyler, Tyler is currently serving a mission and took some time out to reply to my email! Thanks Tyler! The fourth and last, is Gary. Gary is a return missionary! So with that said, ENJOY!

1.Whats it like preparing for a mission?
To be honest its exciting and nerve racking at the same time. On one side im excited to prepare, because I see all of my closest friends serving and preparing to go. Making it harder to wait over a year till I can even turn in my papers. On the other hand Im nervous to go. From the main thought of me doubting myself and my ability to teach the gospel. But that is also what makes me prepare a little more. Mainly AMAZING due to all of the new things I learn everyday about the gospel and how it brightens my life.
To be honest its exciting and nerve racking at the same time. On one side im excited to prepare, because I see all of my closest friends serving and preparing to go. Making it harder to wait over a year till I can even turn in my papers. On the other hand Im nervous to go. From the main thought of me doubting myself and my ability to teach the gospel. But that is also what makes me prepare a little more. Mainly AMAZING due to all of the new things I learn everyday about the gospel and how it brightens my life.
2.What/Who helps you the most in preparing for a mission?
Well my Bishop of coarse. He is one of the first guys I go to if I have any questons on what I should do next. But I also draw most of my help from Mitchell Hawk even if he denies it or thinks that he's not that great of a role model. He was on of the reason's I even started going back to church and talking to my bishop. So to be honest without Mitch I think that i would still be inactive. Or in jail. But not both haaaha
Well my Bishop of coarse. He is one of the first guys I go to if I have any questons on what I should do next. But I also draw most of my help from Mitchell Hawk even if he denies it or thinks that he's not that great of a role model. He was on of the reason's I even started going back to church and talking to my bishop. So to be honest without Mitch I think that i would still be inactive. Or in jail. But not both haaaha
3.Since you are still in school, how do you think starting NOW will help you LATER?
I think an easier question is how wont it help me in the future. I think that starting now will help me more understand the gospel and build a stronger testimony before I leave. With those two things in my arsonal of missionary skills than there is no doubt in my mind that I will be able to reach out to the people who are looking for the gospel and its teachings in their life. I also believe the earlier I start preparing the better life I will lead before I leave. That new image of myself will affect others around me in ways that I cant even fathom. And I usually procrastinate on everything else in life so this might help me break the habit.
I think an easier question is how wont it help me in the future. I think that starting now will help me more understand the gospel and build a stronger testimony before I leave. With those two things in my arsonal of missionary skills than there is no doubt in my mind that I will be able to reach out to the people who are looking for the gospel and its teachings in their life. I also believe the earlier I start preparing the better life I will lead before I leave. That new image of myself will affect others around me in ways that I cant even fathom. And I usually procrastinate on everything else in life so this might help me break the habit.
4.Where do YOU personally want to serve?
Thats the easiest of all. Scottland is where I would like to serve. For one I myself am part Scottish so I think it would be quite amazing to see the land of some of my ancestors while living to serve others while spreading the gospel. My second reason is that my grandmother is praying for me to serve in Scottland so thats where I am going. Some might think thats crazy but she prayed for my cousin Gavin to serve in England and guess what!!?? He served his mission in England! See the power of prayer and faith is pretty powerful.
Thats the easiest of all. Scottland is where I would like to serve. For one I myself am part Scottish so I think it would be quite amazing to see the land of some of my ancestors while living to serve others while spreading the gospel. My second reason is that my grandmother is praying for me to serve in Scottland so thats where I am going. Some might think thats crazy but she prayed for my cousin Gavin to serve in England and guess what!!?? He served his mission in England! See the power of prayer and faith is pretty powerful.

1.What is it like preparing for a mission?
It's not as hard as I thought it would be. I got really smart and down to bussines and decided to set up patterns. I read my scriptures and pray everynight and I always try to have christ in my mind. I seriously used to think of girls way to much. But girls won't get me anywhere right now.
2.Who/What helps you the most in preparing for a mission?
What helps me prepare are actually friends going on missions and seeing how happy they are. I understand that no material thing can get me that happy. Also hanging around good kids who already have it made up in there mind what they are doing in life.
It's not as hard as I thought it would be. I got really smart and down to bussines and decided to set up patterns. I read my scriptures and pray everynight and I always try to have christ in my mind. I seriously used to think of girls way to much. But girls won't get me anywhere right now.
2.Who/What helps you the most in preparing for a mission?
What helps me prepare are actually friends going on missions and seeing how happy they are. I understand that no material thing can get me that happy. Also hanging around good kids who already have it made up in there mind what they are doing in life.
3.Since you are still in school, Do you think starting to prepare now will help you later?
It will for sure. It usually gets harder the closer it gets but thats why I set up patterns. If I break anything that I am doing right now I am basically doomed. Haha Kids ask me where I am going to college and stuff but my birthday is at the first of the semester so I think there is no point in going to college first. It actually gets people talking about the churh. They think alright if Jesse is in to something this deep there must be something about it.
It will for sure. It usually gets harder the closer it gets but thats why I set up patterns. If I break anything that I am doing right now I am basically doomed. Haha Kids ask me where I am going to college and stuff but my birthday is at the first of the semester so I think there is no point in going to college first. It actually gets people talking about the churh. They think alright if Jesse is in to something this deep there must be something about it.
4.Where do YOU want to serve?
I want to serve Down Under with the kangaroos haha. I want to go out of the states but there are good and bad things about both. I know I might get better food here, but treated worse. The hardest people to teach and serve are your own. But you know I would love to go to Asia like the middle of China it's untouched I think it would be an amazing adventure.
I want to serve Down Under with the kangaroos haha. I want to go out of the states but there are good and bad things about both. I know I might get better food here, but treated worse. The hardest people to teach and serve are your own. But you know I would love to go to Asia like the middle of China it's untouched I think it would be an amazing adventure.
1.Where are you going? When are you leaving?
I'm going to the cape verde, praia mission. It's a group of islands right off the west coast of Africa. I leave june 3rd.
2.How did it feel opening your mission call?
I was very nervous opening it up knowing that the next two years of my life was 'right in my hands' and it could be anywhere in the world! I was also very excited because it's what I've wanted to do my whole life. I remember in primary, singing "I hope they call me on a mission" and thinking it would never come, I am just soo excited cause the time has finally come.

I'm going to the cape verde, praia mission. It's a group of islands right off the west coast of Africa. I leave june 3rd.
2.How did it feel opening your mission call?
I was very nervous opening it up knowing that the next two years of my life was 'right in my hands' and it could be anywhere in the world! I was also very excited because it's what I've wanted to do my whole life. I remember in primary, singing "I hope they call me on a mission" and thinking it would never come, I am just soo excited cause the time has finally come.
3.What will you miss most about home?
Probably like many of the elders, I will miss my family the most! My house has always been a place I felt at peace and happy. My family and I are always having fun doing thing one or another and it will be sad to miss out on that for a few years! Even though I'm excited to go, I will miss them very much.
Probably like many of the elders, I will miss my family the most! My house has always been a place I felt at peace and happy. My family and I are always having fun doing thing one or another and it will be sad to miss out on that for a few years! Even though I'm excited to go, I will miss them very much.
4.Why are you serving a mission?
I am serving my mission for a few reasons; One is because the lord has called me to serve one so thats what I'm going to do.The biggest and most important reason is because it's what I've wanted to do ever since I can remember, so I'm doing it for me as well as the lord. It is an opportunity for me to help others hear about the gospel but it is also a chance for me to strengthen my own testimony.
I am serving my mission for a few reasons; One is because the lord has called me to serve one so thats what I'm going to do.The biggest and most important reason is because it's what I've wanted to do ever since I can remember, so I'm doing it for me as well as the lord. It is an opportunity for me to help others hear about the gospel but it is also a chance for me to strengthen my own testimony.
5.What are you looking forward to the most?
What I'm looking forward to the most is, getting out there and sharing the gospel with the people of Cape Verde! I cant wait to see what it is like over there and to meet all the missionaries that are already out serving.
What I'm looking forward to the most is, getting out there and sharing the gospel with the people of Cape Verde! I cant wait to see what it is like over there and to meet all the missionaries that are already out serving.
"This work is rigorous. It demands strength and vitality. It demands mental sharpness and capacity. It demands faith, desire, and consentration. It demands clean hands and a pure heart."
President Gordon B. Hinckley
1.Where are you going? When are you leaving?
I am going to Lima Peru Central Mission. I report to the Provo MTC May 27th.
2.How did it feel opening your call?
The world was paused. The commotion and noise from all stopped. My thought process was blank, endless. Peace killed the anxiety. Pure joy and happiness filled my soul once I read the call.

I am going to Lima Peru Central Mission. I report to the Provo MTC May 27th.
2.How did it feel opening your call?
The world was paused. The commotion and noise from all stopped. My thought process was blank, endless. Peace killed the anxiety. Pure joy and happiness filled my soul once I read the call.
3.Why are you serving a mission?
Endless reasons. Most of all, to bring lost souls to the light of Christ. Also, because I will do what the Lord asks. He gave so much for me, that being obedient to his will is the least I could do, but it's something.
Endless reasons. Most of all, to bring lost souls to the light of Christ. Also, because I will do what the Lord asks. He gave so much for me, that being obedient to his will is the least I could do, but it's something.
4.What are you looking forward to the most?
The people I teach the Lords gospel to. Loving them with all of my heart.
The people I teach the Lords gospel to. Loving them with all of my heart.
5.What do you think you will get from setting aside 2 years to serve?
Easy, my life is dedicated to the Lords will. He has promised blessings to those that are obedient to him. All the happiness in my life has come from Christ. I know that the Lord will bless me with an awesome family.
Easy, my life is dedicated to the Lords will. He has promised blessings to those that are obedient to him. All the happiness in my life has come from Christ. I know that the Lord will bless me with an awesome family.
(Tyler is currently serving in the Mexico City, Mexico Mission)

1.How is the mission?
Well, the mission is going amazing! Having alot of baptisms and just really loving the life as a missonary!! Right now I am about 10 minutes from the temple and my area is really big. We are just working hard cause with the hard work comes the blessings!!!
2.Is being Humble a big part of being a missionary?
Well being humble, umm, well it is a big part of the missonary life. Because if your not humble you truly can't have the spirit with you.Then your not teaching the way that god wants you to, and it's not effective!!
3.What would you say is your biggest reward, currently?
My biggest reward, well I would have to say, the change that you see in the people.You can see that the light of christ just is shining so bright within them, and the very person changes!! I love that feeling! Also when a family is working hard to go to the temple and be sealed forever as a family!!
4.How are the people?
Well, the people!! The people here in Mexico are really humble and they really would do everything for you they are just really awesome!!
Well, the mission is going amazing! Having alot of baptisms and just really loving the life as a missonary!! Right now I am about 10 minutes from the temple and my area is really big. We are just working hard cause with the hard work comes the blessings!!!
2.Is being Humble a big part of being a missionary?
Well being humble, umm, well it is a big part of the missonary life. Because if your not humble you truly can't have the spirit with you.Then your not teaching the way that god wants you to, and it's not effective!!
3.What would you say is your biggest reward, currently?
My biggest reward, well I would have to say, the change that you see in the people.You can see that the light of christ just is shining so bright within them, and the very person changes!! I love that feeling! Also when a family is working hard to go to the temple and be sealed forever as a family!!
4.How are the people?
Well, the people!! The people here in Mexico are really humble and they really would do everything for you they are just really awesome!!
(Gary served in California on a Spanish speaking Mission)

At first it is horrible. All you can eat, think, and dream about is wanting to go back. It's like when you first walk up to a really hot spa, you touch it and don't want to go in. So, you slowly inch your body in until you are back into the Telestial world!
2. What was the greatest lesson you learned while on your mission?
The power of the atonement and that I never want to sin again in life.
3.What was the scariest moment you had on your mission?
My companion and I got out of our car, and a group of 4 men walked up to us. One man demands for the keys to the car. That is when you realize the difference between a sincere prayer and a prayer out of duty.
4.If you could go back, what would you do differently? if anything...
I think most people agree that you finish your mission at the top of your game. You know how to teach and you know how to work because of your experiences. So if I had to rewind the tape and lose the experience, I would change nothing, If I could start with what I know now, then that would be the change.
I think most people agree that you finish your mission at the top of your game. You know how to teach and you know how to work because of your experiences. So if I had to rewind the tape and lose the experience, I would change nothing, If I could start with what I know now, then that would be the change.
Basically, it is hard work being a missionary, but it is also a lot of heart. I hope you all liked this missionary feautre! Have an awesome Friday!!! :D
Thank you very much Kealian, Jesse, Nate, Mitch, Tyler and Gary. I am so glad to have great friends like you that would help a silly girl out with her blogging dreams! Thank you very much it really does mean a lot! :D
thanks shelby i loved it!!!!
ReplyDeletei liked that it was good..can't wait to see who you do next week..btw can you send me tyler's e-mail..i really need to write him and i added him on facebook but deleted it before i could get his e-mail lol
ReplyDeletei love reading friday features! definitely fun, youre a good interviewer...some of the questions are like "i never wouldve asked that!" but its awesome stuff
ReplyDeletethanks for the entertainment for the day
This one is rad.. i like it. ALOT. I can't believe we're already at the age of friends being out in the field. Just cra cra.
ReplyDeleteITA with all my fellow commenters.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Thank you and thank you to them for doing what's right.