100th Post- Thankfuls

For now, I am blogging from my computer at work. I would have made this post extra extra awesome with tons of cool pictures, but since my control on that is limited... this will have to do.

It has been an awesome YEAR to add to the fact that it is my 100th post. Last February I started this blog. I have, in that time also had 100 posts! Crazy huh?! So for my 100th post I am going to list 100 things that I feel are things to be thankful for.

  1. My parents, without them I don't know where I would be.
  2. The YMCA.
  3. Being able to attend college.
  4. Learning what not to do while attending college.
  5. Falling in Love.
  6. Having a broken heart.
  7. Seeing the sacred grove.
  8. Standing in the School of Prophets, and feeling my savior there with me.
  9. Seeing Adamon-di-ahmon (spelling) and knowing that I will take my family there some day to see the savior preach.
  10. Missionaries.
  11. Self-Reliance.
  12. Dependence.
  13. The scriptures, particulary the book of Alma.
  14. Losing contact with friends.
  15. Making friends.
  16. Keeping friends.
  17. The spirit.
  18. Trust.
  19. Serious heart-ache. The kind where you feel there is a hole in your chest.
  20. Happiness.
  21. Childrens smiles.
  22. Blogging.
  23. Honesty.
  24. Stop signs.
  25. Rain.
  26. Snow.
  27. Music.
  28. Hymns.
  29. Christian Rock.
  30. Fancy Hotels.
  31. My sisters.
  32. Jordan, I never thought I would ever say that my sister was my very best friend, but she is.
  33. Beezy.
  34. Candles.
  35. Hospitals.
  36. Graduation, and it coming quick.
  37. Student Council.
  38. Being justified by faith.
  39. Nie Nie.
  40. Busy Bee Lauren.
  41. Compassion.
  42. Soft toliet paper.
  43. Stephanie.
  44. Kisses.
  45. Hugs.
  46. Airplanes.
  47. Mail.
  48. Peace.
  49. Being Sad, and knowing that being happy is so much better.
  50. Arts and Crafts.
  51. Singles Ward.
  52. Logan, Utah.
  53. People who love me, even when I don't deserve it.
  54. Pictures.
  55. Cameras.
  56. Color.
  57. Christmas on Halloween.
  58. Twilight.
  59. Joseph Smith.
  60. Hyrum Smith.
  61. Emma Smith.
  62. Relief Society.
  63. Quilts.
  64. Knowledge.
  65. Boys.
  66. Men.
  67. The preisthood.
  68. The power of prayer.
  69. Mountains.
  70. Shoes.
  71. Clothing.
  72. Money to survive.
  73. Losing myself.
  74. Finding myself.
  75. No Regrets.
  76. Mistakes.
  77. Service.
  78. The feeling of uncondtional love.
  79. The Hawk Family.
  80. Carter.
  81. Ice Cream.
  82. Vanilla Soy Milk.
  83. Online Recipes.
  84. Coffee Beans to clear your senses.
  85. My iHome.
  86. New Cell Phones.
  87. The word SAUCED. hahaha Jordan...
  88. BIATCH!!!!!! (inside joke.)
  89. Tithing.
  90. Cars.
  91. Gloves.
  92. Learning to Cook.
  93. Miracles.
  94. My future husband, for not finding me yet. I'm so not ready... SOON THOUGH!
  95. My Job.
  96. CHRIST.
  97. The Atonement.
  98. Repentance.
  99. The Ensign.
  100. YOU!!! My bloggy friends, and always loving readers.. Thank You so much for reading!!!!

These obviously aren't listed in order, and I am thank ful for a lot more stuff then that, but you get the picture!

Tell me 2 things you are thankful for and we will call this the best 100th post ever. kthanks! :D


  1. hey I'm number 33! :)

    i'm thankful for our friendship!

    and socks...without which we would have to stare at nasty feet ALL THE TIME!!! EWWWWW

  2. I am thankful for trials, and learning from them.

    And in a few weeks I will be once again thankful for pain pills!

    Oh and I am thankful for blogs, and that i got to find my three wonderful cousins!

  3. I knew the Hawk family had to be on there , love ya shelb

  4. I'm thankful for... My sisters and my faith.
    Sweet 100th post!

  5. I am so honored that I am on your thankful list! You are amazing! And I am thankful for you :)

  6. HAPPY 100TH POST! :D


    I'm thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    I'm thankful for my family...they're EVERYTHING to me! :)

  7. O I am also thankful for BIATCH!

  8. One of the best 100 posts I've read.

    "Being Sad, and knowing that being happy is so much better."

    Awww :)

  9. aww, im glad you have so many things you can be thankful for. you are truely optimistic!

    ill have to listen to that talk by elizabeth craig, sounds like i could use it...thanks shelby


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