youre serious?

So currently, I am sitting at work on the AWESOME new shift 11am to 6pm. NOT. Ugghhh I want to be done so bad, and normally I would be about to shut the computer off at this time, but because life is so awesome I have another hour.

I truly do not want to complain, but it seems there is nothing else to do! I would totally do a reasons why I am happy post, but this computer hates to load pictures and I am not about to take the chance of the internet shutting off on me. At least with this, I can just forget about what I wrote and blog when I get home. Anyways, like I said... I don't WANT to complain. So I'm not going to. I am going to give you a little insight on life. POSSIBLY.

Since, let's see JUNE I have had the wedding bug. I want it I need it... it's all that I think about. (not really- but close) Funny thing is, I don't even have a boyfriend! So how does this happen? I mean I know how, you hope for things and then your imagination gets the best of you and BAM you are in wedding world. I realize this isn't going to happen for a while. OR DO I? Creepy huh. I hope the boys reading this, (if any) don't shy away and think I am completely crazy after saying this but... EVERY boy is a prospect now. I am not in high school anymore. I am 18 and well, I am moving out. What else do I need besides a year or a semester of college.. wait I have THAT too. haha Seriously tho. Every boy I meet I think... hmmmm NO or hmmm MAYBE. I hate that, and I know that because I have that thought as my focus that I am not going to be hearing bells anytime soon. So I try to push it to the back of my mind but then there is a day like today, where I have been alone for over 6 hours and I have plenty of time to think. Not to mention I am going to be going home in an hour to continue on my thought process. I am a weirdo, and I shouldn't look at boys that way, but seriously.... it's really hard. ESPECIALLY when it comes to RM's because you know that they have to get married sometime. hahaha ok, enough embarassment. I'm done.

Another thing that I have been thinking of is running a marathon. I really want to, but I think that is too long for me. I need to start out small. So I was incredibly joyus the other day when Lori texted me and said "Yo, did you know Nie Nie is having a 5k walk in May?" I was like what the crap?!? No I didn't and then I scrambled to the site to see and I was like YESS score. Walking for a cause, that I know and love. Then I thought... MAY man May is coming fast. I need a lot more money if I am going to be moving then. I can't wait for spring break because that is when I will be going house hunting in Logan. I really want a private room, but if I don't have the money to get it, then I will be fine. THEN as of yesterday my dearest friend got his mission call and his farewell is in May. The girls want me to go to the beach with them in May, and my sister will be married for a year in May. Time will fly away in May, and half of me will be gone in May. Of course not literally you silly goose. Seriously though, May is really starting to ware on me. I want to be out of the SIN CITY by MAY because then, I won't have to sit through millions and millions of maybes to an apartment, or a job, or anything because, no one will be there! I have some serious filtering to do.... my mind is going crazy now that I listed all of that stuff.

Ok. So I realize now that I want to get back into photography, I just need a model. Whoever is ready and willing, please raise your hand. Of course you have to live within a 12 mile radius and you have to accept that fact that I am cheap and it won't probably be that high quality.... :(
Maybe I WONT get back into photography..

cheese and rice.


  1. I'm so glad you blog about wanting to get married cuz guess what i want to get married to. And not in that ..ya eventually I wanna get married ya know..but like that..hello why aren't i married right this sucks being a romantic and impatient all at the same time..yikes..also may..hmm..scary stuff..but may you will leave me and then what will i do..i will be lost..i will have no one to tell me what to wear for valentine's day or read my letters and revise them for me. Oh my dear i am going to die without you! it makes me sad thinking about therefore im not going to think about it..moving huh..that's awesome! i've always thought photography was should start practicing so i can hire you to take my wedding pictures! k love you!

  2. Ok. Stop yelling at me! I will be your model! I am super HOT and my hair looks kick ass today. And I'm sorry I know you will want me to pose nude, But I can't I must wear clothes!


    i totally understand the whole wedding-fever. its because everyone around us are getting engaged, its starting to make me sick. ha ha, just kidding im really happy for them! but its our instinctive female bio clock that causes us to think like that


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