You're Wondering Why

I'm sure you are all wondering why there is a picture of me with my arm raised high in the air, making a disgusting face and braving to show my immodest self on the internet. Well I will tell you why...
HAIR. Hair is a nuisance in almost every females life. You shave your arm pits, you shave your legs, wax your eyebrows, upper lip, chin, bikini line... and so on and so forth. You always see those commercials on tv and wonder...hmm does that really work? Well today I am here to tell you a little something about a product called NAIR.
Nair, you seem so fabulous, no sharp razor, or hot wax. Just rub off the hair and it's done! Smooth and silky soft. WELL guess what?!?! You are the devils product. You make it happen, but only in parts, and when it become silky smooth and soft my precious skin says HEY I have yet to be exposed to the elements of a hott steaming shower or deoderant. YOU are trickery and I dislike you Nair.
So heres the low-down I slab some of this supposably awesome chemical onto my armpit and wait the five minutes I check and it doesn't look like it is coming off any time soon so I leave it on for two more. Then, I dare to wipe it off. One measly section of hair comes off then turns bright flaming red. I immedietly hop in the shower and hope for the best. Not knowning that hey my skin is super sensitive there now and I can barely stand in the hott water because my arm pit is screaming WHAT THE #@$(*#@()$#@!!! Yes my arm pit screamed obsinities at me.. UGGGH
So bascially this is the after affect... I section of soft smooth, REALLY IRRITATED Skin. I am telling you all now to just stick to what you have been doing because it has to be a million times better then my experience.

This is me yesterday... aww what an adorable outfit. I was sad because my blacks don't match but I liked the outfit anyways! :D
Jordan and I are going to "PARTY" tonight I will post awesome pictures tomorrow!
oh and P.S. if you think I am OVER-REACTING or FREAKY-OUTY after this post... why don't you let me come over to your house and shampoo your HEAD with NAIR... bahaha I love it.
hahahaha have met blake right? haha its ok. i did the same thing with my legs. it burned. but i bet its worse in ur just imagine ur downstairs...poor poor scabbers. haha :) have fun in
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha!! O my gosh I just laughed so hard! My arm pit was screaming obsinities at me! I laughed out loud! See you soon!
ReplyDeletebahahaha funny stuff dude..thank you for sacrificing yourself to the nair product so that I can learn from your mistake and stay far far away!
ReplyDeleteJust wax that baby!!!! So much easier and it doesn't grow back for 4-6 weeks.
ReplyDeleteI too DESPISE Nair!
And please tell your pit to watch its filthy little mouth!
i hate it too. i remember doing it at girls camp once with alot of the girls just to do it.. ya know..and its does sting like a mother. I don't know why they keep selling it on every stores shelf.. its a mockery. UNLESS!.. we are all doing it the wrong way which is very possible. please inform me if you find the right way. and you look so dang good in the candle store.. the oufit rocks
ReplyDeleteIt was great to see you again! I was really excited to see you at my door!
ReplyDeleteDumb Nair >:( Deceptive advertisement is what that thing is.
ReplyDeleteAh, to be young and cute and be able to wear cute outfits.
You can always make me laugh. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way. Sorry about your pits.
ReplyDeleteAh, Nair...I know it well. We haven't been friends since the day I met it. And it smeeeeellls!