Toilet Passes, Crap filled Rivers, & Creepy Santas

Yesterday was Kayla's Birthday! HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY KILLUH KAYLA! We went to Stateline to ride the rollercoaster and it was so much fun. We left around seven and got there at like eight. We got the TWILIGHT passes. YES thats what they were called! :D On our way to the rollercoaster I was talking to this old man about how we got Twilight passes and I guess my excitement got the best of me and he was like you got TOILET PASSES? hmmmm. no, but it was funny. We rode all of the rides even the nasty log ride. If you have ever been to Primm you know that it stinks. hahaha it smelt so bad!!!! Like, I almost barfed on that ride, not because it was too "thrilling" but because it smelt like the inside of a port-a-potty. DISGUSTING!
The whole night was great overall but Jeff and Danielle and I were feeling a bit squimish after the 4th ride on the rollercoaster. So we sat down and ate ice cream at the Hagan Das. It was DELICIOUS. On our way out we saw this really creepy Santa. They put a santa costume on a manican and they didn't even stuff its stomach so it was a pale white, skinny, santa. So weird.

Oh yeah and this... is a sign that we saw.. its a man carrying a Lucha Libre head. You know what I'm talking about? Like on Nacho libre? hahaha funny stuff.
thats when you steal the sign!!!!!!!!! for jordan:]