My Own Personal Revelation

Take this two account that on the 21rst of December in the year 2008 Shelby Lou found out what he meant by discernment.
"Prayerfully select those you associate with.."
I also want you to understand one great and honest truth. Kindness. Open your hearts to me for just a moment. Because I know your thinking... WHAT?! CRAZY?!!! Guess what, it isn't crazy. It isn't easy either. I know that sometimes people overlook this simple thing, and they come to the conclusion that people that don't deserve kindness shouldn't receive it. I completely disagree. It is those who have a loss of it that need it most.
PRAY FOR YOUR ENEMIES- whether they are human things or other things. Pray that they will understand or pray that you will use the things that hurt you to help you instead. God listens.. I believe he has a special train of thought just for prayers for enemies, he makes sure he gives them and you what you need to overcome someone or something.
On another note, my thoughts are so jumbled right now that it is insane. I honestly believe that I have never hurt more then I do right now. Never have I ever felt so hurt in my life. YET I have this thing called hope. I don't want anyone to comment this post. If you could please... REFRAIN. I have no need for anyone to tell me what they think at this moment. Even though, your advice and love are greatly appreciated.
All I want to say is that sometimes, when you hurt it is better to just keep that hurt under wraps. I think that there is going to be a time and a place for it all to come undone and I don't think we should waste our time here, being visibly upset and confused.
My thoughts are so insanely disoriented right now, I'm not sure what I am saying really. Except for this one thing... Love is not a job. Love is not sacrifice. Love is a career. Love is a willingness to give.
I give a lot of myself. I give a lot of who I am, to people who can't even begin to understand. I would give everything to someone that loves me, but when that person comes along. I won't have to give a thing to them. On P.S. I Love You when they are fighting in the beginning she says..
Holly: What do you want JERRY?!
Jerry: What do you mean what do I want?!
She says something to the effect that she isn't what he wants and he grabs her by her arms and looks her in the eyes and says
Jerry: I know exactly what I want, because I have it in my hands right now.
Think about that before you sleep tonight, maybe you will have a scandalous dream about a naked Irishmen. hahaha I hope I do. *wink*wink*


  1. I'm sorry :(
    Why does life have to be so difficult sometimes, you know?

    "Love is a career" Indeed. Truer word were never said.


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