When it comes down to it...
Yes, that was a short holiday. I couldn't stay gone too long. I really needed to blog. Which is sad, but good at the same time. I hope you are all SUPER GLAD that I am back... not like I was gone for too long, most people go that long without blogging on a regular basis. Anyways... As many of you know, and some of you don't know. Mitchell and I are no longer a pair, which is very sad, and pretty much destroys me inside.. but that is not the point, the point was to tell you. I personally want to fix things, and make an effort and its just hard to do that because if you were leaving on a mission in 6 or so months you would begin to feel the pressure too. So no one is to blame here. :D I still love him, A LOT, even more I'm afraid.
On a happier note I went and saw TWILIGHT! I know you are all sitting at home waiting for my review, and I give it 4 stars yes, 4 stars. not 5 but 4. This is why....
EDWARD= Amazing sauce, like let me through the screen so I can kiss him and become a vampire and never come back to my normal life.;D
BELLA= eh... she was good, she did well, but did anyone notice how manly her voice is?? geez.. that's ok tho, because she did a good job! some stuff bothered me like eating out at a diner every night instead of cooking her father dinner! ughhh
CHARLIE= PERFECT not the way I pictured him to look, but he did a great job, he was halarious, but real at the same time!
ALICE/ JASPER= I wish Alice was in it more, she is my favorite girl character in the whole book!! Jasper- his face was just priceless the whole time.. hahaha
EMMETT/ROSALIE- Emmett was hott. BOTTOM LINE, her name is BELLA. ahahaha.. Rosalie was perfectly a bum. she made me angry but happy because I knew that she was supposed to be just like that..
ANGELA/JESSICA/MIKE/ERIC/JORDAN?- angela perfect. jessica freaking boobylicsious at the prom. Mike annoying and just how i pictured him. Eric not at all how i pictured him and I thought that Angela was with Ben not Eric... so that threw me off. and Jordan was it? The guy who almost hit her in the van before Edward and his hott self came and saved her... *ahhhhhh* ok snapping out of it.. That guy, I did not picture him like that... OH WELL.
Bottom Line... it was AMAZING! Biology scene and the part where they are getting out of the car together for the first time and Edward is wearing those really awesome sunglasses. YEAH FAVORITE! :D

Other then all of that.... I have done a couple of random things in the past few days. Wednesday night I went out with Alix and we met Blair and Matthew at B DUBS then we went to Danielles Ice Cream and to goodwill. I laughed so hard that I cried, I haven't done that in a while, well with Matthew and Blair. Those boys are seriously funny. I loved it. After we went to Goodwill we hung out in the parkinglot for like an hour and a half. It was fun!! Also that night I talked to my friend Nate on the phone for like 30 minutes which was awesome because, he is great.
Thursday night I made shirts at Emilys house and we had mexican lasagna for dinner it was really yummy! Carter walked around in his wife beater all night looking like a baby version of Ryan from the O.C. LOVED IT. Speaking of the O.C. I think I want to watch that show again. From the beginning, because Seth is so hott- aka Adam Brody.
Friday of course I saw TWILIGHT and freaked out, just ask Jordan and Emily. I wanted to beat up every girl that had a TEAM JACOB shirt on.. ughh sick. OH I forgot about JACOB! hahaha my bad... Jacob was suprisingly hott. BUT he is still Jacob and I don't really like DOGS. Even tho he is a life saver sometimes, he just is not the one for Bella, he didn't imprint on her so he has no claim!
Saturday which was yesterday, the candle store was BUSY BUSY BUSY!! Then, I went to the Moapa/ Truckee State championship football game and freezed my tushy off! I met these two cool kids, DANE and JACE. Jace liked the office so he is was cool in my book, and Dane has read twilight, which makes him and automatic friend! Too bad he was on team jacob. UGGH It was fun tho, MOAPA won, which was a given, their whole town showed up.. (Logandale) My friend Brando was there and I didn't even get to see him, I was so upset! SERIOUSLY BRANDO WE HAVE TO HANG OUT BEFORE YOU GO BACK TO COUGARVILLE. I hope he reads this.. haha Well Carlie was the one who was nice enough to invite me. I love that girl, she is so awesome, she brings me teddy bears when I'm sick and is always so nice. After the game we went to Panda with her dad and her grandma which was fun. Her dad is great he goes to CSN too and he knew exactly why I hated it there! After that Carlie and I went to my house and talked until midnight! Which was really awesome.. :D I LOVE HER!!
Thats all for now, now that your all updated and such.... ahaha I'm not very good at taking Holidays so I don't think I will anymore, even if things get worse. UGHH oh well. :D HAPPY BLOGGIN!
On a happier note I went and saw TWILIGHT! I know you are all sitting at home waiting for my review, and I give it 4 stars yes, 4 stars. not 5 but 4. This is why....
EDWARD= Amazing sauce, like let me through the screen so I can kiss him and become a vampire and never come back to my normal life.;D
BELLA= eh... she was good, she did well, but did anyone notice how manly her voice is?? geez.. that's ok tho, because she did a good job! some stuff bothered me like eating out at a diner every night instead of cooking her father dinner! ughhh
CHARLIE= PERFECT not the way I pictured him to look, but he did a great job, he was halarious, but real at the same time!
ALICE/ JASPER= I wish Alice was in it more, she is my favorite girl character in the whole book!! Jasper- his face was just priceless the whole time.. hahaha
EMMETT/ROSALIE- Emmett was hott. BOTTOM LINE, her name is BELLA. ahahaha.. Rosalie was perfectly a bum. she made me angry but happy because I knew that she was supposed to be just like that..
ANGELA/JESSICA/MIKE/ERIC/JORDAN?- angela perfect. jessica freaking boobylicsious at the prom. Mike annoying and just how i pictured him. Eric not at all how i pictured him and I thought that Angela was with Ben not Eric... so that threw me off. and Jordan was it? The guy who almost hit her in the van before Edward and his hott self came and saved her... *ahhhhhh* ok snapping out of it.. That guy, I did not picture him like that... OH WELL.
Bottom Line... it was AMAZING! Biology scene and the part where they are getting out of the car together for the first time and Edward is wearing those really awesome sunglasses. YEAH FAVORITE! :D

Other then all of that.... I have done a couple of random things in the past few days. Wednesday night I went out with Alix and we met Blair and Matthew at B DUBS then we went to Danielles Ice Cream and to goodwill. I laughed so hard that I cried, I haven't done that in a while, well with Matthew and Blair. Those boys are seriously funny. I loved it. After we went to Goodwill we hung out in the parkinglot for like an hour and a half. It was fun!! Also that night I talked to my friend Nate on the phone for like 30 minutes which was awesome because, he is great.
Thursday night I made shirts at Emilys house and we had mexican lasagna for dinner it was really yummy! Carter walked around in his wife beater all night looking like a baby version of Ryan from the O.C. LOVED IT. Speaking of the O.C. I think I want to watch that show again. From the beginning, because Seth is so hott- aka Adam Brody.
Friday of course I saw TWILIGHT and freaked out, just ask Jordan and Emily. I wanted to beat up every girl that had a TEAM JACOB shirt on.. ughh sick. OH I forgot about JACOB! hahaha my bad... Jacob was suprisingly hott. BUT he is still Jacob and I don't really like DOGS. Even tho he is a life saver sometimes, he just is not the one for Bella, he didn't imprint on her so he has no claim!
Saturday which was yesterday, the candle store was BUSY BUSY BUSY!! Then, I went to the Moapa/ Truckee State championship football game and freezed my tushy off! I met these two cool kids, DANE and JACE. Jace liked the office so he is was cool in my book, and Dane has read twilight, which makes him and automatic friend! Too bad he was on team jacob. UGGH It was fun tho, MOAPA won, which was a given, their whole town showed up.. (Logandale) My friend Brando was there and I didn't even get to see him, I was so upset! SERIOUSLY BRANDO WE HAVE TO HANG OUT BEFORE YOU GO BACK TO COUGARVILLE. I hope he reads this.. haha Well Carlie was the one who was nice enough to invite me. I love that girl, she is so awesome, she brings me teddy bears when I'm sick and is always so nice. After the game we went to Panda with her dad and her grandma which was fun. Her dad is great he goes to CSN too and he knew exactly why I hated it there! After that Carlie and I went to my house and talked until midnight! Which was really awesome.. :D I LOVE HER!!
Thats all for now, now that your all updated and such.... ahaha I'm not very good at taking Holidays so I don't think I will anymore, even if things get worse. UGHH oh well. :D HAPPY BLOGGIN!
Alice....completely my favorite too! adorable...and jessica: wow, right when she put that prom dress on i leaned over to my roommates and said one word, "BOOBS!" for real! anyhow i loved yoru review! sunglass Edward was by far my favorite as well! Also when they were in the woods and he placed bella against the tree or mossy rock thing and put his arms on either side of her and was talking to her really close.....sigh:] i get heated discussing this...must stop! i love you: period end of story!!!
ReplyDeleteI loved twilight too, I really want to go and see it again! I think one of my favorite parts was when Edward saved Bella from those "creepers" in port angeles. And Edward did look amazing in those sunglasses!
ReplyDeleteThaks for making the mocie great. I loved the movie but it was even more fun to watch your face! The popcorn was good too.