Test Run
Gotta post the test run pictures from mitchells black eye and abrasion. He just wanted the black eye at first but then he realized he needed a little bit of cut and road rash. I guess whoever this guy he is being is pretty tough, and gets beat up a lot! Who knows, all I know is that he is still good looking with a black eye and scar! :D hahahaha I just love him. Halloween is so much fun. I dont think I am dressing up tho, just cuz im not doing anything.. I dont think...

black eye

road rash/ cut

front view... haha i think its funny because i can tell he is about to smile :D
Well i just got back from voting.. yes thats what I said... VOTING!! I voted for the first time EVER!

oh yeah and i voted for george clooney! did you know he was on the ticket?! I WAS LIKE... HECK YES!!! :P
Dude you did awesome on his makeup! Good job, if I ever need to look like I got beat, I know who to call.